Most everyone who watches the EU knows that it is basically Germany holding up the entire EU economy. When a nation becomes a member they all agree that if one member nation goes down the old financial stupid-decisions drain well the good guys with lots of EUROS will take care of the bills for them. Can you spell socialism in its finest hour?  TOO BAD that the old socialists who agreed to allow the unelected bureaucrats in Brussels (anyone else not particularly care for Brussels Sprouts?) so they gave their entire countries treasury to these jerks that aren’t even in their country the power to suck the money from each one.

Brilliant scheme eh? Worked for Greece and others who are way beyond bankrupt and living almost entirely off of Euros shelled out by Germany. What a GIG eh?   Who else remembers that when the EU told Greece that they had to adopt “austerity measures” immediately; repeal the 3 vacation days between every work day and repay their loans, cut the debt and a bunch of other BS the masses had come to enjoy at the expense of the EU? WELL that didn’t go over well I can tell ya!  Riots in the streets reminiscent of our own BLM “mostly peaceful” nights of pitchforks and torches. The government of Greece (If you can call it that) told the EU to pound Euros (into their bank ASAP) and they rejected the austerity gig.

It WAS good old Maggie Thatcher who said that socialism works great until you run out of other people’s money. WELL wake up Brussels; you just ran out of German Euros and if they EXIT the entire European Union will collapse throwing the continent into total chaos.

Did you see what just happened in Argentina? They just tossed out a big tax-and-spend socialist/ progressive government in favor of a far-right belt tightener SO In a few years you won’t need to cry for Argentina anymore…with this new Donald Trump jerk who promised to fire half the government he is now the golden (orange?) haired troublemaker upsetting the status quo of South America who captured a large share of the votes (seems they don’t know how to hack their voting machines…..YET).  HOO BOY sit DOWN you’re rocking the boat! Stand by to STAND BY:


‘Dexit’: Germany’s Soaring AfD Mulls Future Referendum to Exit the European Union

Paul Serran Jan. 22, 2024 12:00 pm251 Comments

AfD’s Alice Weidel.

All over Europe, the Globalist-Liberal governments are under relentless pressure, faring very poorly at the polls in the run-up to the European Parliament elections.

Plagued by unchecked mass migration, crippling insane environmental policies, economic stagnation and a general decay of the quality of life, voters are flocking to conservative and right wing parties that have been denouncing these issues and rejecting these policies for years.

But perhaps nowhere in the old continent does a right-wing party generate so much hope and so much fear as the case of Alternative for Germany (AfD), the official ‘bogeyman’ for the unelected Brussels bureaucrats and the world’s MSM in general.

Now Alice Weidel, leader of the poll-topping party, has come out and said that Britain was ‘dead right’ to leave the European Union and that Germany should in fact hold its own ‘Dexit’ vote!

Panic in Brussels.

Weidel said she would push for a referendum on EU membership if AfD came to power and could not secure reforms to curb overreach by the European Commission.

Telegraph reported:

“’If a reform isn’t possible, if we fail to rebuild the sovereignty of the EU member states, we should let the people decide, just as Britain did’, she told the Financial Times.

‘And we could have a referendum on ‘Dexit’ – a German exit from the EU. It is a model for Germany, that one can make a sovereign decision like that’.”

While it is unlikely that AfD will be able to be elected to federal power in the short term, Weidel said a future role in government was ‘inevitable’.

“The AfD is leading the polls in all five East German states ahead of regional elections in September. The party’s results in June’s European Parliament elections will also be closely watched amid predictions of success for Eurosceptic parties across the bloc, including in France, Austria and the Netherlands.

It is polling nationally at 22 percent, behind the centre-Right opposition Christian Democratic Union but ahead of all three parties in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s struggling coalition government.”

The CDU, the centre-Right party of former chancellor Angela Merkel, would be the first to ally with the AfD.

“We can form a clear right-wing majority. And the CDU can’t refuse to accept that in the long term, especially in the eastern states.”

Weidel said the priorities of a AfD government would be to reform tax laws, slim down the state and end Germany’s switch to renewable energy.

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