Kanye and Candace stood up to Black Lives Matter,
and BLM is telling them to “sit down”

Black Lives Matter has always been a hate group. They are a black supremacist organization, wanting to violate the rights of all American citizens, and even denigrates other black people who think for themselves.

Of course, at its core, Black Lives Matter was always a white supremacist organization, because it was mainly propped up with rich white liberal money, and white liberals are at their core white supremacists. They are self-loathing men and women who want to virtue-signal how they are much better than

Kanye and Candace need to SIT DOWN! BLMLA Weekly Email 10/3-10/10/2022

Greetings BLMLA Family… We continue to adamantly declare that Black Lives Matter! Kanye West and Candace Owens are either willfully ignorant or intentionally attempting to bring harm to families of those killed by police, organizers seeking to transform the world, and the Black community as a whole. Read our entire statement on the “White Lives…” idiocy here

When an organization tells black people to “sit down,” that is the essence of white supremacy. That is what the KKK and the Democrat Party have ordered black people to do for decades. They told black people where to sit, what they could and could not say, and where they could live.

And now we see Black Lives Matter (a dishonest hate group if there ever was one) pushing this same rhetoric onto Candace Owens and Kanye West. The organization clearly has a problem with black people.

The hatred does not stop there, either. Check out the press release from Black Lives Matter Grassroots:

Black Lives Matter Grassroots Responds to Kanye West and Candace Owens  Trending for Wearing ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirts by Offering to Educate Them   

Los Angeles, CA –  On Monday, Kanye West and Candace Owens wore shirts emblazoned with the words ‘White Lives Matter’ at the YZY Season 9 Presentation in Paris.  The stunt was a clear affront to Black Lives Matter, which has been measured as the largest racial justice movement in history.  Black models walked the runway wearing the same slogan. ‘All Lives Matter’ and ‘White Lives Matter’ have long served as violent retorts to the Black Lives Matter movement, used by white supremacists and hate groups, including the Ku Klux Klan.

In a follow-up statement, Kanye was clear that he intended to kill the Black Lives Matter movement. Black Lives Matter Grassroots sees this as a teachable moment. Political education is core to what we do. While some may see Kanye and Candace’s stunt as a distraction, we recognize that it harms thousands of families fighting for justice for their loved ones killed by state-sanctioned violence. It can spread toxic confusion and be used to legitimize violent assaults on Black people. Battling misinformation while continuing to do the hard work that liberation requires is nothing new for us.

Black Lives Matter was birthed in 2013 in response to George Zimmerman’s acquittal for the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The boots-on-the-ground have always been everyday people committed to ending state-sanctioned violence against Black people. We took to the streets, demanded policy change, shifted narratives, and built a mass movement – then and now – to build a world where all of our people can live and walk freely.

Kanye West and Candace Owens sent a performative dog whistle to millions. Kanye knows very well that ‘white lives’ have never been targeted for oppression. Black folks, in contrast, are at the bottom of virtually every economic, social, and political measure because of centuries of individual and institutional racism. Building a world of Black freedom means upending systems that harm and building new systems of care. Ultimately this benefits everyone. When Black people get free, everybody gets free.

Dr. Melina Abdullah, Director of Black Lives Matter Grassroots, is also a professor of Pan-African Studies at California State University, Los Angeles. She teaches a free, open, online Black Power class and invited Kanye and Candace to join to deepen their understanding. “We invite them into courageous conversation on race, racism, and why we say ‘Black Lives Matter,’” Abdullah added.


Black Lives Matter Grassroots 

The mission of Black Lives Matter Grassroots (BLMGR) is to support, sustain, and uplift the necessary agitations, mobilizations, community organizing, and initiatives of Black Lives Matter chapters to fulfill our sacred duty to advance Black liberation. #BlackLivesMatter was birthed to end state-sanctioned violence against Black people. Black Lives Matter Grassroots is a collective of 26 chartered chapters globally working on the ground since 2013.

 For More Information:   Email: press@blmgrassroots.org  or rockel@canddtheagency.com

Notice more of the relentless bigotry from “Black Lives Matter,” including the White Supremacist queen herself, Melina Abdullah, who is propped up with rich white liberal money to have her cushy job as a do-nothing professor at Cal State Los Angeles. No one takes that woman seriously anymore. No one, and know she wants to tell “the black folks” like Candace Owens and Kanye West to sit down, shut up, and listen to her.

Of course, what’s really at stake here is that the BLM gravy train is coming to a crashing end. Everyone is waking up to the fact that this hate group was all about taking advantage of self-loathing white liberals to take all their money so that lesbian baby-momma Patrice Cullors could by herself five mansions and pay her friends and relatives big consultant contracts.

It’s been a scam by black overseer sellouts like Cullors and the rest to scam big money from white liberals, then turn around and destroy black communities.

Kanye West and Candace Owens are the biggest names yet to turn the tables on the whole scam, and the Black Lives Matter hate group is trying to save face and save cash.

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