Chris Elston, aka Billboard Chris, is getting a lot of attention these days.
He is well-known with his ubiquitous “Children cannot consent to puberty blockers” sandwich boards draped around him.
True, children cannot consent to puberty blockers. In fact, adults should not consent them, should not force them on children … or allow them on themselves, for that matter.
What is really frustrating about people like Billboard Chris, however, is that they are aiding and abetting the LGBT agenda, just “at the speed limit.”
In October 2022, I confronted Billboard Chris and another independent vlogger outside of the Anaheim Convention Center. We were all there protesting a national pediatrics conference because this institution was favoring sex mutilation of minors under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”
I met some powerful speakers and activists who want to protect children from the transgender cult. I even met some parents who were fighting their ex-spouses. Why? To prevent their ex-wives and ex-husbands from mutilating their kids!
All of these effort are noble and welcome.
Some of the activists wanted to focus only on stopping transgenderism, however. They wanted to draw a distinction between identity and attraction, as though the whole perverted LGBT cult should only focus on the T, but the LGB is A-OK.
When I contested this issue, some of the activist leaders were willing to discuss the issue. They were willing to consider that it was time to get back to normal sexual dynamics in all cases, not just on transgenderism.
Then I confronted Christopher Elston, aka Billboard Chris.
He is a well-known Canadian activist/spokesman fighting the corrupt agenda to push kids into transgenderism. However, I spoke with MassResistance activists who had worked with him in Texas, and they shared that he was OK with same-sex marriage. He thinks that homosexuality is benign, not something that anyone should be concerned about.
When I saw him at the Anaheim Convention Center protests, I approached him and started discussing this issue.
You will note in the video above how he criticizes LGBT activists for shutting down debate, that they refuse to allow other people to discuss issues.
But when I wanted to press him on the lie that people are “born gay,” he didn’t want to talk about it. He curtly declared “Yes, people are born homosexual, and there is nothing they can do about it.”
That is a total lie. There are millions of people around the world who have abandoned the homosexual lifestyle. They get married, and they have children. There is no gay gene, whereas there is plenty of genetic evidence to affirm that an individual is male or female.
But Chris didn’t want to talk about it. He shut me down and brushed me aside.
Then the vlogger next to him said: “He’s getting paid by the hour.”
Was this a joke? Was this a statement of fact? Who knows?
One thing we can attest to, though, is that instead of actually helping children, instead of taking steps to stop this horrible sex mutilation crazy, Billboard Grift Chris Elston goes around the world having conversations with people. He gets to speak on vlogs and podcasts. He gets to give a speech to the UN.
And nothing improves.
Why does this bother me, in particular? Because in his home country of Canada, there are parents who are actually fighting to protect their children, and all of Canada’s children. There are parents who have risked fines and even jail time to tell the public about the sex mutilation cult that is invading Canada’s public schools and public spaces.
Robert Hoogland is one example: a father from the same province as Billboard Chris (British Columbia). Rob found out that his daughter was getting transitioned in the Delta School District in Surrey, BC without his knowledge or permission. He fought to stop this horrid transition from taking place, but by then his wife had full custody, and the BC trial courts ruled against him. In fact, they placed him under an outrageous gag order, so that he could not talk about this case, including the mutilation of his daughter, without anyone.
Rob defied those court orders, and he took every opportunity he could to alert the public to what was happening to his daughter.
He violated the gag order, and he went to jail. He also faced considerable court costs appealing his conviction and the sentencing imposed on him. He fought the good fight to protect kids, but he struggled to raise money. Why? Because he could not even identify himself!
And then you have Billboard Grift, who gets to scoop up lots of media and money for himself. He gets rich saying that it’s not OK to mutilate kids. Whoop-dee-doo. He has two kids of his own, but he is not taking care of them, is he? He’s not in British Columbia watching out for their well-being, is he?!
He takes donation money that could go to parents like Rob Hoogland (who is fighting to repeal the gag order on his case, by the way). He is actually doing something to help kids. He has connected with other British Columbia residents to elect better people to the provincial government so that new leaders can end the mutilation of children and the grooming of children in the classrooms.
People like Rob are fighting to make a difference. People like Billboard Grift are just out to make a buck all while aiding and abetting the LGBT agenda–and it’s wrong!
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