Chris Elston is doing a good thing, in that he is speaking out against sex mutilation of children.

However, like many of the activists who want to stop the mutilation of minors, they are OK with adults mutilating their bodies. They accept that adults should be allowed to propagate and push the whole LGBT push on their own, if they like.

This line of thinking is fundamentally bankrupt. You cannot stop the transgender cult if you do not stand for truth. One cannot say that they are standing for science in opposing transgenderism, but at the same argue that people are “born gay.”

The Trans Cult argues vocally that people are born “in the wrong body,” too. We have to stand against all the “Born That Way” lies if we are going win the larger culture war against this anti-science, anti-natural law evil.

In October 2022, I joined with a number of activists who were urging the American College of Pediatricians at their Anaheim, CA Conference to reject “gender modification” as a serious practice.

A number of noteable activists and media stars attended that protest, including “Billboard” Chris Elston of Vancouver, BC Canada.

I had a chance to discuss with him how the LGBT movement needs to be confronted, not just the T.

One of the media personalities on site was willing to host/broker a discussion between us.

At least, initially, but then they shut down the discussion when I wanted to confront homosexuality and its normalization, as well.

Check out the brief discussion below:

Notice how Billboard Chris was all in on discussing truth and science … initially.

But if we really want to discuss truth and science, the notion that two people of the same sex can “have sex” with each other as an expression of love is anti-science. Sodomy is destructive to the individual in body, mind, and spirit. The human body was not designed for sexual degeneracy and perversion.

At first, the media host and Chris Elson seemed willing to talk, but then Chris said “I do think people are born gay. I don’t want to talk about this.”

Why not? Where is “the science” that proves people are “born that way”?

The answer is that there is none! You cannot claim that you are pro-science when you are fundamentally denying science in another key aspect of human nature and development.

We are in this transgender mess because of the homosexual/sodomite movement. Allowing two men or two women to marry is the essence of transgenderism, as I pointed out to Chris and the media host. But they did not want to have that discussion.

Why? What are they afraid of? Why do some anti-sex mutilation activists insist on going along with the anti-scientific lie that people are “born that way”?

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