pic. twitter. com/uDGojfTmgQ
— Baked Alaska™ (@bakedalaska) June 20, 2017

What is going on?
The anti-Trump Left has gone for all-out war.
They lose elections. They are losing the culture wars.
They have lost the media and the Big Corporations.
Academia is slipping out of their hands as more young people decide to brave life’s challenges head-on rather than run away from reality for four more years at an over-priced university.
Of course the Left is resorting to violence.
One Berniecrat shot a Congressman, and he had a list to target more of them.
We the People Rising and LA County for Trump are seeing our fair share of hate turning into “hurt” here in Southern California.
And now this?! Here’s a report from The Red Elephants. Here’s a report from the Gateway Pundit.
Here’s more information that I received from Based in LA Jeffrey while they were waiting by his side at the hospital.
Antonio Foreman has taken on the worst of the worst, and he keeps on trucking.
This time, he is facing the challenge of a lifetime: his very life.

So, here are the details as available:
1. He was stabbed on Saturday June 17, 2017, after the free speech rally – he went to the bar, Knights’ Head, in Santa Monica)
He want to the parking structure nearby to drive home.
It was night time in Santa Monica, around 11pm,
There were two Armenians driving recklessly in the parking structure
They hit his car.
Antonio was by himself at the time.
3. Two Armenians were in the vehicle — they are American citizens.
They saw “Don’t Tread on Me” stickers on the back of the car. Just because he is a freedom-loving American Patriot, they said “We’re going to shank you!”
They called him “white boy” and “cracker”, which confirms that this attack was a hate crime against a white male and Trump supporter.

He was stabbed nine times, including:
1 in the face
1 in the neck
4 on the side
Fortunately, the attackers did not damage any vital organs.
However, Foreman has already undergone two surgeries, and likely faces going under for another. (This is all too much like what Congressman Scalise went through. Too much).
Foreman cannot provide too many details for what happened, since shortly after the onslaught came. he blacked out, then woke up in the hospital.
Police have footage from the parking structure from the cameras. The two Armenian thugs have been arrested, currently held on $1 million bail.
But what about Anthony?
He is in stable condition. They say he is trending toward good, but he is in a great deal of pain!
Jeffrey from Based in La put it like this: :Condition: Stable, good, (with an asterisk) in pain”
He has been in the hospital for two days.
He contacted Baked Alaska first, who got in touch with him right away!
How can people help him out? WeSearcher–there you can donate to him.
This site is better, because GoFundMe has been shutting down conservative efforts to crowdfund.
Please keep Antonio Foreman in your prayers, and donate to his health fund!!!
We need this man. He is good, a strong fighter for the cause, not afraid to stand up to anyone and anything!

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