Make Cali Great — for whom? Yourselves?
Rachel Gunther sent out this eblast a few weeks ago.
This message coincided with American Children First Founder Joseph Turner’s efforts to defend sanctuary city Cudahy.
This is a long email, but it’s important for every conservative activist in California to read.
Sanctuary cities cost our cities and communities millions of dollars. And in some cases, they cost lives when violent criminals aren’t deported.
No longer will we let California become a haven for illegal immigrants. Make Cali Great is spearheading a new initiative — defund sanctuary cities. We’re starting with cities in Los Angeles County.
>>Click here to help defund sanctuary cities<<
We are partnering with American Children First to defund cities in California who refuse to enforce federal immigration law.
If city governments are going to spend our tax dollars defending illegal immigrants, then we’re going to defund them. We are going to force them to choose between critical government functions or defending criminal behavior. We will be filing a ballot initiative to remove the utility tax of the city Torrance in Los Angeles county.
Politicians need to know there will be consequences for refusing to enforce America’s immigration laws.
While we appreciate Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ announcement to withhold federal funds from sanctuary cities, we cannot wait for the slow bureaucracies in Washington, D. C. before we hold our local politicians accountable.
That’s why we’re moving to file an initiative on Wednesday, July 14th.
Arthur, we must raise $600 before our filing date to cover the cost of our ballot initiative. Can you donate now and help us defund sanctuary cities?
Select an amount below to help our initiative.
Thank you very much for your support.
Rachel GuntherChairman of Make Cali Great
Hey, it’s all well and good that other organizations want to do stuff to help the cause.
But there is one BIG problem. Joseph Turner never gave them permission to use his name or his organization.
In a statement, Turner told me:”I am not interested in attacking anybody. Simply put, we had been discussing some ideas about working together and they jumped the gun. I expressed my concerns in a personal meeting and they agreed to remove any references to my organization. They also agreed to focus on other projects. All I can say is that I am open to working with them in the future, but not right now. I genuinely wish them and every other patriot organization the best moving forward.”Many sources have confirmed for me that Turner is a team player willing to work with anyone who cares about this state and stopping illegal immigration. For me, the fact that Make Cali Great hastily sent out an e-blast with Turner’s “endorsement”–without actually getting it–is highly suspect. Also, it is troubling to see Make Cali Great use Turner’s initiative as a fundraising tool. Joseph started American Children First in April. I have observed his actions and worked closely with him. He has already made a huge impact in our movement. Check out all the work and publicity his efforts have received, and all of this before asking for one dime from anyone! Click here. The first time I ever saw him ask for any money was after Breitbart News put his initiative to defund Cudahy on the front page of their website and the traffic crashed his server. He has filed all his initiatives out of his own pocket. Sorry, Make Cali Great, but I do not trust you one bit. Victor Tu, who are you? Valentina Bankhead and Rachel GuntherI do not trust either of you! I have heard nothing but bad about Rachel Gunther, Valentina Bankhead, and Victor Tu. I advise Trump supporters all over the state of California to shun “Make Cali Great” and just focus on Making California Great Again in every way they can. More information to follow.

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