Dear Arthur,

I turned 60 recently, and it seems the older I get, the more often I hear that a friend or an acquaintance has been diagnosed with a serious illness.Today, I’ve got heartbreaking news concerning a sickness, but it’s not about a friend; it’s about our beloved country.America, once the light of liberty among nations, is now in the throes of a late-stage moral sickness that is spreading and growing daily.And I’m not the only one convinced that if this nation is to survive, American Christians must wake up and speak the truth.Author Eric Metaxas introduces his new book titled Letter to the American Church with these words: “I have written this book because I am convinced that the American Church is at an impossible and almost unbearable inflection point.”In a recent interview, he said the thesis of his new book is “the silence of the American church today on a host of issues is precisely similar to the silence of the German church in the 1930s.” And that silence, Metaxas said, led to “hell on earth.”You may remember that Metaxas authored Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, the true story of the German pastor who challenged the Nazi regime.I could offer many examples why I believe America’s social and moral culture is reaching a new low, but here’s one you may not have heard.The 2022 midterm elections saw the highest voter turnout among younger Americans (ages 18-29) in almost 30 years. However, this group split for leftist, “progressive” candidates by an almost two-to-one margin. Exit polling from Tufts University found that this younger demographic was “the only age group in which a strong majority supported” so-called progressives.These young people are more likely to support socialist and big-government policies, the climate-change narrative, the LGBTQ movement, and other extremely liberal ideologies. They are also less likely to attend church, which is not surprising. According to Barna Group, for example, the percentage of Gen Z youth (born between 1997-2012) who identify as atheists is double that of the U.S. population who identify as atheists.That comes as no surprise because so many of our young people have been brainwashed. Consider:▶ Many of our kids have endured years of woke education in the nation’s public school system followed by more years of cultural Marxism in American colleges and universities.▶ Corporations that provide us everything from cereal to cell phones are fully invested in promoting godlessness.▶ Entertainment outlets, including once family-friendly companies such as Disney, have been fervently propagandizing our kids in progressivism.▶ Social media giants undermine cultural norms and propagate globalist, secular ideals to our youth.All that to say, even if Christians wake up and mobilize a strong resistance against the godless progressives, we’re in for a long and difficult David-versus-Goliath fight.Are you ready? We are.For over 45 years, AFA has used every ounce of energy and every resource at our disposal to rally Christians across the nation to push back against the advancement of godless progressivism. We remain unflinching in that effort.But we need your prayers, financial support, and involvement to continue. Nothing less than the future of America is at stake. That’s why I don’t hesitate to ask you to make AFA a priority in your giving and your prayers.And in return, we want to help equip your family to honor God in the midst of an increasingly hostile culture. One way we do that is through our original AFA Cultural Institute video series.So, in appreciation for your generous gift and faithfulness to AFA, I’d like to send you a new Cultural Institute episode titled Seven Checkpoints on the Road to Financial Freedom with Rob West. Rob hosts the nationally syndicated radio program Faith and Finance with Rob West heard on American Family Radio.I know this new Cultural Institute video will encourage strong biblical stewardship and inspire greater faith and freedom for your family. In fact, faith, freedom, and family are critical touchstones in all of AFA’s work.

As we observe and interpret current events, we often ask:▶ Is our culture moving toward greater faith in God?▶ Are we enjoying more constitutionally protected freedoms, especially the liberty to live and share the gospel of Christ?▶ Are the centers of influence and power in our society – government, academia, business, church, etc. – promoting stronger families?Sadly, I am convinced that the answer to all three of these questions is “no.” That’s why America’s sickness can only be healed by the Great Physician.Will you earnestly pray with me for spiritual revival in America, and ask God for the boldness to speak His truth in love to a nation that largely does not want to hear it?And are you ready to stand alone for righteousness, if that’s what it takes? I know it’s difficult, but I believe that’s what Christians must be willing to do in 2023.So please stay close to AFA and continue to partner with us. Let’s encourage one another to remain faithful to our God, our nation, and our children’s future.Yes, we are in a fight – but that’s a good thing, because it means the battle is not over! There are reasons to hope. We continue to pray the power of the gospel will prevail in America!I already see signs that some are waking up to the woke insanity in our nation. Parents are fighting to regain control of their schools and protect their children. Grandparents see the moral degradation and are praying. A growing number of Americans perceive the dangers to our liberties and are educating themselves – and voting. Court battles are being won.As for AFA, as long as God gives us the ability, we will do what we have been doing for more than 45 years – pray and fight!
Tim Wildmon, PresidentAmerican Family Association

P.S. If our mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.

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