June 14th, 2016, illegal alien transient Johnny Josue Sanchez set fire to an abandoned warehouse in retaliation against another homeless squatter.

Johnny Sanchez of Honduras, arrested

His fire ended up murdering five Americans and nearly killed two others.

I found out about this story through a contact who monitors illegal alien crimes in the news, including the Los Angeles area. Five days later, I went to the site of that abandoned warehouse, with the smokestains still singed around the borders of the windows.

I still remember the stench of the the burned areas all around. Within minutes of our arrival at the scene, a yound lady named Choda arrived, in tears. Her husband Deandre Mitchell was one of the five victims. He had a nickname “Jokerface”, and that’s all that the LA Times article reported.

Honoring the Loss
of the Westlake Five

This sudden encounter helped capture the tragedy of these terrible crimes. Foreign nationals break into our country, commit repeat offenses, receive little punishment, then reoffend.

What happens when they murder our citizens? Yes, they get caught, convicted, incarcerated. However, we the taxpayers have to shoulder the costs of their room and board in our country.

What’s worse, aside from the report published by the LA Times, the press will not report that these scum are illegal aliens!

In this report, the DA’s office announced that they won’t pursue the death penalty against this evil man:

DA Won’t Seek Death Penalty for Man Charged in Deadly L.A. Fire


Prosecutors announced Wednesday that they won’t seek the death penalty against a man charged with setting a June 2016 fire that killed five people in a vacant commercial building in the Westlake district where a group of transients were living.

From the top left corner going clockwise:
Joseph Proenneke, Dean Clemons, Tierra Stansberry, Mary Ann Davis
Deandre Mitchell featured on back of
Remembrance Project Shirt

Johnny Josue Sanchez, 23, is charged with five counts of murder for the June 13, 2016 deaths of De Andre Mitchell, Jerry Dean Clemons, Mary Ann Davis, Joseph Proenneke and Tierra Stansberry, along with two counts of attempted murder involving two people who were rescued from the burning building.

The five people were not transients themselves. Dean Clemons and Mary Ann Davis were Joseph’s biological parents. They all planned to meet together in Los Angeles.

The murder charges include the special circumstance allegations of multiple murders and murder during the commission of an arson.

Special circumstances notwithstanding, the DA won’t pursue the death penalty.

Authorities allege that Sanchez intentionally set the blaze because he had been involved in a dispute with another transient in the vacant building at 2411 W. Eighth St., near MacArthur Park.

One man was initially declared dead as a result of the fire, which swept through the building where homeless people had been living. Cadaver dogs and their handlers discovered the bodies of four more people “huddled up” in the ruins of the two-story structure the next day, Los Angeles Fire Department arson investigator Lance Jimenez testified at a hearing in March in which Sanchez was ordered to stand trial.

They wanted to get out, but they couldn’t escape. Terrible. I can’t imagine the horror which swept through their minds as the fire, or rather fires, engulfed the entire building.

The arson investigator testified that the fire had two areas of origin and that he was able to rule out the possibility that the blaze had been accidentally caused.

Sanchez was arrested that night by Los Angeles police and has remained jailed without bail.

He is due back at the downtown Los Angeles courthouse July 17 for a pretrial hearing, and could now face a maximum of life in prison without the possibility of parole if he is convicted as charged.

Final Reflection

Notice that not once did the article mention that Sanchez was an illegal alien. The report didn’t even print “undocumented”, even though that term is inappropriate and inefficient.

When people challenge the argument that illegal aliens commit a disproportionate number of crimes, our answer must reference how often the media and the government refuse to report the nature of these terrible crimes.

For now, it is nothing but tragedy, and the true solace that comes with justice served has become a little more elusive.


Robin Hvidston, the California Director for the Remembrance Project and the leader for We the People Rising, reported the following about this unfortunate update:

Deputy District Attorney Sean M. Carney was a major force behind seeking the death penalty in the case of illegal alien Johnny Josue Sanchez who killed 5 Americans.

“Deputy District Attorney Sean M. Carney said that a committee is considering the death penalty charge. He said that their office has a great record on successfully prosecuting death penalty cases when he was asked about the likelihood of a death penalty charge in the case.”  October 16, 2016. It was explained repeatedly to those of  from The Remembrance Project attending the court hearings, that the death penalty would be going forward in this case.

However, Deputy DA Sean Carney was no longer on the case as of the court hearing on 1/10/18.

His understudy, Deputy  District Attorney Joy Roberts, took over the case.  Then, in June 2018, it was announced the killer of 5 Americans will not be charged with a death penalty – just life in prison without the possibility of parole. 

This is a major disappointment and setback to not charge the death penalty, and does not provide justice for those 5 Americans who lost their lives.

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