MassResistance’s warning spreads across Central Asia. Educating the people about the global LGBT agenda coming to their countries.

Our message to Kyrgyzstan resonates in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Russia.

April 27, 2023
 This prominent podcaster in Kazakhstan featured MassResistance’s message. Her audience was shocked at what they learned.

The international LGBT movement’s drive to change the culture of countries around the world has reached Central Asia. But people there are still uninformed on what is happening to their society or where this is headed. This is particularly true in the predominately Muslim countries that are very conservative on family issues.

After MassResistance stepped in earlier this year to inform people (and their government) in Kyrgyzstan, word spread far and wide to neighboring countries!

ALT TEXT Central Asia is the region west of China, including the southern part of Russia.

Kyrgyzstan – MassResistance warns the government about LGBT

As we reported back in February, MassResistance worked closely with pro-family groups in Kyrgyzstan, a majority Muslim country. Kyrgyzstan was receiving a grant from the U.S. Department of State to fund a local LGBT organization to push a toxic transgender agenda in that country.

The pro-family people were shocked and incensed about it. They asked MassResistance to communicate a strong message to the top government officials about the dangers this funding will bring. Since they knew some members of the Parliament, they asked us to create a video which would be presented to the Kyrgyzstan President, Sadyr Japarov. They thought that since we are American, we would have more credibility in countering the U.S. State Department.

ALT TEXT This Kyrgyzstan pro-family leader is part of the MassResistance team!

Arthur Schaper, our MassResistance field director, recorded the video message and sent it to the Kyrgyzstan activists on February 15, 2023. The video warned about what the LGBT movement is doing in countries around the world, and how the U.S. funding will accelerate it in their country. It’s information that very few people there were aware of. It was quickly reported on the major pro-family Kyrgyzstan websites.

The video also made a big splash politically. The Kyrgyzstan activists sent it to every government official they could. As a result, their legislators began taking a stand to stop the money from coming into the country! That effort is still gaining momentum!

The activists didn’t stop there. They sent the video and MassResistance report to their activist lists and onto social media posts.

On March 28, a professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences published an article on a Kyrgyzstan site in reaction to Arthur’s warning. Titled “American Democracy and National Identity,” the article discussed “the dubious values of the individualized West” such as “gender and sex diversity,” and how the imperial Western powers are applying them to radicalize the country.

ALT TEXT Title of article is “American Democracy and National Identity” – a reaction to Arthur Schaper’s warning.

North to Kazakhstan – a blockbuster interview with Arthur Schaper

Kazakhstan is a neighboring country just north of Kyrgyzstan. Anastassia Akhmetova is one of the major political video podcasters in Kazakhstan. She covers multiple topics in her media projects including geopolitics of Central Asia, economics, energy, media issues, social life, and more.

On her March 14 podcast, she discussed Arthur’s MassResistance video warning and the LGBT issue incursion in Central Asia. Her listeners were shocked!

ALT TEXT Anastassia Akhmetova’s podcast. The title: “Public activists of the United States appealed to the President of Kyrgyzstan.”

That show basically went viral! Two days later, on March 16, Arthur was contacted by Akhmetova’s producer asking if he would be interviewed on an upcoming show. She wanted to ask about “LGBT propaganda in US and over the world, risks for traditional values, activities focused on bringing neoliberal values to the Central-Asian region and what can be done.”

The interview was taped on March 23. She had forwarded Arthur a longer list of questions that she asked him to address.

Arthur talked for nearly an hour. He covered most of her questions and opened their eyes to what is happening in the United States and how it is infiltrating the rest of the world.

Following Arthur’s interview, the producer informed him that they would be dubbing the recording into Russian so that they could share it with the Russian-speaking people throughout Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

On April 13, the completed Russian language version of Arthur’s interview with Akhmetova was released. It was quickly re-posted and linked across Central Asia.

ALT TEXT Arthur Schaper in the Russian-language version of his interview with Anastassia Akhmetova.

The next day, April 14, a prominent Kazakhstan news site covered the story:

ALT TEXT The Kazakhstan news site “Exclusive.”

Here’s what the article says:

Arthur Schaper: “No one is born gay or transgender”

Well-known American activist and field director of the organization Mass Resistance,  Arthur Schaper gave an exclusive interview to Anastassia Akhmetova. He spoke about the reasons for the emergence of his organization in the United States, as well as why it is now so important for the countries of Central Asia, and not only them, to preserve family values and their national culture.

Into neighboring Uzbekistan

Also on April 14, a news website in neighboring Uzbekistan covered the interview:

ALT TEXT Uzbekistan news site. Headline: “Why is the rainbow being raised over Central Asia?”

Here’s an excerpt from the article:

Arthur Schaper, field director of the American organization Mass Resistance, gave a long interview to the Kazakh program “Orda with Akhmetova” in which he recommended how Central Asia can better defend traditional values in the conditions of the dominance of Western-funded NGOs and NGOs. … The purpose of the aggressive propaganda of “non-traditional relations” is to split the traditional society, set different parts of the people against each other, and create prerequisites for destabilizing the countries of the region.

And into Russia

The news quickly spread north to Russia, where bloggers and podcasters were picking it up.

ALT TEXT Russian blogger on the TikTok channel. The title: “Say ‘No’ to LGBT Agenda in Kyrgyzstan. We save our men, women, and children.”

Here’s the translation of this podcaster’s message:

There was remarkable news in Kyrgyzstan. The American activist, Arthur Schaper delivered the video statement to the Kyrgyz President, Sadyr Japarov.  He is a director of the international movement ‘MassResistance’.  This movement fights for traditional family values around the world.  Arthur has asked the Kyrgyz People to control the activities of pro-LGBT “Indigo” financed by the State Department of the U.S.  Arthur is outraged that the State Department of the U.S. appears to be pushing a gender perversion agenda around the world. The majority of true patriot Americans like Arthur, are against the propaganda of LGBT, but they are afraid of violence, aggression, and censorship from the American Government. … LGBT has occupied Europe and they want to reach out to our children. We should stand for national, pro-family, and moral values!

On April 17, the prominent Russian web magazine “Asia News” wrote about it:

ALT TEXT Headline: “Why raise a rainbow over Central Asia?”

The message in the article is similar to the others:

 Why raise a rainbow over Central Asia?

Arthur Schaper, executive director of the American organization Mass Resistance, which is fighting for the protection and preservation of traditional family values, addressed the President of the Kyrgyzstan Republic. He asked Sadyr Zhaparov to pay attention to attempts to promote LGBT ideology in Kyrgyzstan, as well as to the US State Department’s allocation of $30,000 to the Kyrgyz Indigo LGBT organization. According to Shaper, this “violates the standards and moral values” of Kyrgyzstan.

Final thoughts

We were surprised how fast this news traveled from country to country in Central Asia – and how so many people there were interested to hear it!

It became clear that although people can see bits and pieces of the LGBT agenda coming into their countries, they are terribly uninformed about the big picture of what is happening. Even the pro-family groups in those places are only scratching the surface in understanding the LGBT culture war. We were pleased to fill in the gaps in their information.

The feedback we got from people there was to thank us very much for informing them, and for our work around the world. MassResistance will continue to share the truth wherever we can!

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