by Arthur Schaper | Sep 20, 2022 | Uncategorized
Kelly “Granny Groomer” Stuart lives in her mother’s basement in El Segundo, CA. She hates children. She supports their systemic indoctrination and abuse. She has a problem with black people, as well, since she believes that they are all welfare...
by Arthur Schaper | Aug 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
Kelly “Karen, Granny Groomer” Stuart of El Segundo is obsessed with me and she has been following and reading and sharing my blog! So much winning! This is “Living in the Libs’ Heads Rent-Free” on hyperdrive! Check out...
by Arthur Schaper | Jul 17, 2020 | Uncategorized
Amanda Touchton is the power behind the throne, so to speak, for Black Lives Matter El Segundo. As I wrote in a previous post, Black Lives Matter El Segundo is a hate group. And here, she’s pretending to seem professional: She is a rich liberal who decided to...