by Arthur Schaper | Feb 15, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Katie Porker jumped into the US Senate race early. She mad lots of Democratic leaders mad, since she didn’t “wait her turn.” Nancy Pelosi has already endorsed Adam Schiff, since she is a political hack who rewards loyalty, anyway. Now Katie Porker is...
by Arthur Schaper | Jan 10, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
I am really upset. I got so much grief from people because I supported Scott Baugh in his Congressional bid. We needed to stop Katie Porter, no matter how “establishment” Baugh may have been. Porter is an il-liberal darling who has been moving up in the...
by Arthur Schaper | Apr 8, 2019 | Uncategorized
Thank you for your fine article on about reparations, and especially the closing paragraphs where you articulate the role of the Democrat party in the history of slavery in the United States. I wonder how much their current push for reparations reflects...
by Arthur Schaper | Sep 8, 2018 | Uncategorized
How bad does it have to get in a blue state for it to go red? Is it possible for any elected jurisdiction to switch over and go red, as it should? We may see some opportunities for states to get onto some better, firmer footing going forward. The Chairman of the New...