by Arthur Schaper | Apr 18, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Gays Against Groomers is going down in flames (or flamers)? More of the leadership is jumping ship, most likely because people are calling out the grift, and pro-family activists are exposing the truth about these activists. Many of them traffic in pornography. A...
by Arthur Schaper | Apr 11, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Rep. Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) is an LGBT groomer. He is OK with LGBT perversion targeting kids and turning them into slaves to sexual depravity or destroying their natural identity and abilities. Muratusuchi is a menace to children, and it’s time for South Bay...
by Arthur Schaper | Feb 15, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Katie Porker jumped into the US Senate race early. She mad lots of Democratic leaders mad, since she didn’t “wait her turn.” Nancy Pelosi has already endorsed Adam Schiff, since she is a political hack who rewards loyalty, anyway. Now Katie Porker is...
by Arthur Schaper | Feb 14, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Gavin Newsom’s anti-Second Amendment rhetoric is career suicide for a wannabe president FILE – California Gov. Gavin Newsom displays a state bill signed by him shielding abortion providers and volunteers in California from civil judgments from out-of-state...
by Arthur Schaper | Jan 30, 2023 | Articles, Uncategorized
Are you paying attention yet? “Clean and sober is one of the biggest damn mistakes this country ever made…We all need to self medicate periodically” – Gavin Newsom, explaining his plan to self medicate California out of our addiction epidemic....