“If we are too weak to take charge of our own morality, we
shall not be strong enough to take charge of our own liberty.” – Calvin

Uh, yes we do care what "the adults" are doing.
Private behavior has public consequences. Perversion becomes pervasive when it
is permissible.

I listened to a speech from a Democratic candidate. He
talked about “liberty,” and how Republicans don’t really explain what they mean
by liberty. This candidate then continued to define what the Democratic Party
thinks of liberty: abortion on demand, any time on the taxpayer’s dime. Fully
funding government institutions, even if they are not effective or competent.
The freedom to marry anyone you want, whether the same sex or the opposite sex.

This candidate had a point: liberty is not something we
define very well, and the fact that we fail to do so means that we will
struggle in our fight for protecting marriage and the family.

Liberty is freedom from the restraint of the state? Yes and

You cannot be free if you are not alive.

You cannot be free if you are in bondage to destructive
behaviors, either.

You cannot claim to be free if you are depriving other
people of their freedom, too.

Where does liberty come from? Who are you, who am I to say
that I should be free?

The Declaration of Independence answers that question:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, and they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable
rights, among these are the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of

Life is the first right listed. If you are not alive, how
can you be free.

If the behaviors that you promote undermine society and harm
other people, whether in the short term or the long term, then we have another
problem, don’t we?

Consider what the United States Constitution says about

“"We the People of the United States, in Order to
form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the
Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish
this Constitution for the United States of America."

Establishing justice comes first. Liberty is mentioned, but
later on. It’s not the first thing, and it’s mentioned as a BLESSING, which
means that liberty has a divine origin.

Liberty is not something that man could come up with.
Liberty is a result of revelation and released into the community via reason.
Not reason alone, but in subjection to revelation.

Regarding LGBT behaviors and ideologies, it is inherently
unjust to:

Deprive children of their natural parents.

Promote sexual licentiousness, which undermine
bonds of honor and fealty

Expand venereal disease and other dysfunctions

Promote lies and force others to adopt and
accommodate those lies.

The LGBT agenda at its very core is not just unconstitutional
but anti-constitutional. It’s not about promoting liberty for more people, but
depriving liberty from many and according privilege to the few.

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