Michele Veale shames trustees and parents, 
and she ignores complaints from the community
about porn and smut in the CLN libraries

Michele Veale, the ousted library board trustee turned treasurer for the Community Library Network in Kootenai County, is one of the most vile government officials I have come across in a long time.

This karen has no respect for children, parents, or anyone in between. She has constantly shamed and dismissed the concerns of outraged residents in Kootenai County who want the filth and perversion removed from the local libraries throughout the Northern Idaho region.

It is a small wonder that the voters in Kootenai County threw her out of office last year. Yet the new board insisted on appointing her as the Library Board Treasurer. But she is anything but a treasure on that board. She is a rude, rolls her eyes when members of the public speak out on issues.

And she has even shamed and accused one of the board members of perverse things just because she cares about children's innocent and wants to do what is best for the community.

Consider this letter that I wrote to the Community Library Network in February, 2022:

Dear Michele


Residents in the Kootenai County
Community informed me that you viciously slighted Library Trustee Rachelle
Ottosen during the last CLN Trustee Board meeting in January.


For the last three months, Mrs.
Ottosen and other outraged residents in Northern Idaho have been pressuring the
Library Board to remove the inappropriate LGBT books in the library.


Furthermore, they have been
rightfully pressing for proper procedures and processes in place to protect
children–and adults!–from illicit, obscene materials which violate the Miller
v. California 
standards outlined by the United States Supreme Court.


During the previous CLN meeting,
you shamed Mrs. Ottosen by stating:


"You are obsessed with
children's sexuality. I would hate to see what is going on in your head!"


Such remarks are completely
unprofessional, inappropriate, and downright disgusting.


Library trustees have a
responsibility, a mandate to protect the well-being, honor, dignity, and mental
health of children.


They have a responsibility to ensure
that perverted, obscene materials and individuals are not present in local libraries.


Frankly, the fact that someone like
you thinks it is OK to indoctrinate little children with sexually explicit
themes and ideologies should lead all of us to beg the question:


"What is the matter with
you, Michele Veale?
 What kind of
dirty mind do you have, that you think LGBT materials should be pushed on kids,
by disturbed adults, all under the guise of so-called "freedom of


I am urging the Community Library
Network Board of Trustees tto issue a motion of censure against Treasurer
Michele Veale. Furthermore, Ms. Veale should do the dignified thing and resign
her position immediately. I am well-aware that she was up for election on the
CLN Library Board last year, and the voters threw her out of office. Based on
her disgusting disregard for the well-being of children and disrespect towards
those adults who actually do care for children, the voters made the right
decision, and their vote should count!

I understand that Ms. Veale apologized to Trustee Ottosen at the next Community Library Network meeting.

But her disrespectful behavior towards the public has not changed.

Consider her tired, bored attitude towards the audience at a more recent library board meeting:


While Lis Worcester of Idaho MassResistance reamed out the board for refusing to remove the pornographic books from the library system, Veale rolled her eyes again and then walked away from the meeting.

Such arrogance!

I wrote a second letter to the Community Library Network:

Dear Community
Library Network Board Trustees:


I am well-aware of the widespread
community outrage which rightly and forcefully protested the Northern Idaho
Pride Event earlier this year.


However, are any of you aware of
the indecent exposure perpetrated by one of the drag queens at the event?!



This is beyond, BEYOND outrageous.


I understand that the Community
Library Network actually celebrated, promoted, and sponsored this disgusting
display of perversion and evil, as well.


What kind of sick people are you,
to allow such filth to become common place in Northern Idaho? Don't you have
any shame, any decency left?!


And I commend and stand with Mrs.
Lis Worcester. She was absolutely right to deride you without any reserve:




Get over yourselves, trustees! GET
OVER YOURSELVES! It is absolutely disgusting DISGUSTING that you allow such
LGBT perversion and pornography to be pushed on children. Aside from Mrs.
Rachelle Ottosen, the only adult on the Board of Trustees who puts the needs of
children and parents first, the entire board is complicit in this evil. You
would all be in a jail cell right now but for that ridiculous obscenity exemption
in the Idaho State Code. Believe me, with a new State Senate and a strong House
majority in Boise, that exemption is going to be repealed, and all of you are
going to have to get rid of those terrible books!


I specifically want to confront the
rude, arrogant, and abusive Treasurer Michele Veale, as well.


Michele, you were so bored,
apathetic, and uncaring when Lis Worcester spoke out at the last CLN meeting.
You have openly shamed Mrs. Ottosen, who is putting the needs of children
first. And now you disdain the parents in the community. You are the most
disgusting member of the board, which is especially odd considering the fact
that you do not even have a vote! The voters rightfully removed you from the
board in the last election, and it's time for you to step down right now from
your role as Treasurer.

The parents and children of
Kootenai County deserve better, and you are the worst of the bunch!

Michele Veale needs to go. She is the most visibly disrespectful and useless member of the whole library board. She's not even elected, and the voters threw her out last year already! How much more of a message could the residents of Kootenai County have sent to the Community Library Network.

Contact the Community Library Network and tell them to FIRE MICHELE VEALE:



Library Board of Trustees







Library Director

Email: amyr@communitylibrary.net

Amy Rodda

Library Director

821 N. Spokane

Post Falls,
ID  83854

ext 315

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