The left relies on your children and grandchildren to reproduce. That is exactly the case for the homosexuality/transgender movements, as well.

Check out what the Leadership Institute had to say about the difference between conservatives and liberals:

They seldom have as many children as conservative families do. So they steal as many of ours as they can, using schools, colleges, and universities as their indoctrination factories.

Arthur Christopher, I hope your family hasn’t experienced such tragedy. The horror stories I hear would break your heart.

You and I must put a stop to the left’s indoctrination and brainwashing. We must create strong, young Leaders for America who stand up for the conservative principles you and I hold dear.

Will you help me save young Americans from the terrible fate the left has in store for them?

Together, you and I will help young conservatives cherish forever the pro-American, pro-freedom ideals they were raised with. Together, we’ll enable young conservative leaders to win over the hearts and minds of their fellow students to resist the left.

That’s how you and I disable the left’s indoctrination factory.

This fall, I deployed 45 full-time Leadership Institute field staff to campuses across the country.

Those top-notch field staff visit hundreds of campuses. They identify, recruit, organize, and train young people to turn them into Leaders for America.

With your support, the young conservative leaders my staff find and train will challenge the left throughout the school year, and throughout their lives.

Here’s what your support will achieve:

You’ll help young leaders bring powerful conservative speakers to their campuses.

This fall my team aims to host ten big-name speaker events, featuring the likes of firebrand Ann Coulter, the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, and President Trump’s press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. They also aim to sponsor 150 other campus speakers from the Leadership Institute and other conservative groups.

Such events draw in hundreds of students and give them a taste of conservative ideas they’d otherwise never hear.

You’ll help young conservatives get top-notch leadership training.

You help the Leadership Institute take the most promising students my team recruits and train them how to defeat the left.
LI’s Youth Leadership Schools provide the “boot camp training” for conservative students. These schools are the culmination of all our recruitment efforts.

You can help my team train 1,000 of these top young conservative leaders in our Youth Leadership Schools this year — and 3,000 by Election Day 2024.

You’ll teach young conservative leaders to win elections — on campus and beyond!

Thanks to you, my team helps student leaders learn how to rally supporters behind great conservative candidates of their choice. They work on key campaigns and make a big difference right away.

That’s what eight LI-trained youth campaigners did for Glenn Youngkin’s successful run for governor of Virginia last year. They pulled off a win in a state many wrote off as lost to the left.

Let’s train a whole lot more young Leaders for America to help conservatives win the big races this year, in 2024, and beyond.

You’ll also help my team work with young conservatives running for student government leadership posts. That’s a new emphasis for us this year — and already it’s paying off.

In the spring, LI training helped conservative leaders win student body elections at schools like Houston, UNLV, and Michigan.

In these key posts, young conservative leaders use their official positions to push back against the leftist indoctrination machine and end anti-conservative policies.

In all these ways and more, you create Leaders for America to stand up for conservative principles today — and for years to come.

Will you give today to help stop the left’s indoctrination of the next generation of Americans?

Please let me count on you, Arthur Christopher. You can give securely online at this link:

Let’s save our kids, our grandkids, and our country from the left.


Morton C. Blackwell
President, Leadership Institute

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