For decades, we have witnessed the slow but steady
encroachment of the LGBT Agenda and its militant activists demanding special
privileges. The normalization of homosexuality has become all too pervasive in
our culture, and with it transgenderism. Now this perverse agenda is targeting
children on an open, daily basis.

Sodom and Gomorrah has gone from the bedroom, to the
boardroom, to the public square. It’s no longer about two consenting adults in
private. It’s about forcing adults to consent to this agenda in public.

It has gotten so bad, that even now Republicans, the
so-called pro-family party, has begun caving to the destruction of marriage and
the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

How did this happen? How did it get this bad, and why has
the mainstream pro-family movement failed to stop all this perversion?

Most people are not aware of this, but there were two
Republican Congressmen who admitted that they were homosexual shortly after
Republicans took back the House of Representatives, the first time in forty
years. Instead of removing them from the caucus, Newt Gingrich let them stay,
and he refused to take a stand on the issue.

From there, the Republican party continued its narrow
attachment to individual liberty, without any foundation in national identity
or moral security. Conservatism became a watered-down fusionism of limited
government and individual liberty as the two core values. However, liberty and
limited government alone cannot conservative a culture, and those principles cannot
protect the family or the children.

And from here, we can point out why the mainstream
pro-family movement has failed over the last thirty years to stop this false
marriage, false gender identity agenda. The pro-family movement never wanted to
call out the inherent debauchery and destruction associated with homosexuality
and transgenderism. They never wanted to take a firm stance for truth, for fear
of sounding bigoted or homophobic.

They fell back on two weak arguments to defend
marriage:  tradition and religious

These are the weakest arguments. Religious liberty or
religious adherence in the past was used to justify all kinds of unbiblical
principles and stances. Tradition alone can never serve as an argument, either,
since it was tradition to enslave certain groups of people. Technological
innovation naturally undermines certain traditions as well.

And yet, this past week, I have seen eblast after eblast
from mainstream pro-family groups decrying the “Respect for Marriage Act”
forcing its way through the United States Senate. They are talking about the
potential harms to religious liberty, and how this legislation will open the
door to polygamy.

Those arguments may have some truth, but they are not
substantive or substantial. The mainstream pro-family movement has failed
because they have refused to advance the following arguments and attack the
proponents of false marriage and false identities notwithstanding:

Homosexuality and transgenderism are mental
illness, not benign forms of identity. These behaviors result from abuse,
neglect, confusion, and/or molestation. Normalizing these behaviors only
enables these harms all the more.

No one is born homosexual or born in the wrong
body. There is nothing loving or compassionate about enabling confusion.

Marriage is not just about the two adults, but
about the children. Children need their mother and father, their natural
parents, in a natural marriage. Anything else deprives children of their basic
needs and harms them for the long-term, according to numerous health and
wellness metrics.

What consenting adults do in private has public
consequences. Hiding behind the argument of “Live and Let Live,” or “Let’s just
protect everyone’s liberty” has created this power-based stalemate, in which
the more virulent actors with more money and more sympathy from the public will
in. Hence, homosexual and transgender activists have been stomping on the
pro-family competition for a long time.

No one has had the courage to call out the
malevolence of this whole agenda, poisoning kids and putting pressure on adults
to abandon their natural rights and their constitutional liberties. This is not
a chess game, but a street fight, and to this day the LGBT forces are shoving
the chessboard up the pro-family movement’s ass.

It’s time to stand for truth, it’s time for a total offense
in this culture war—and only MassResistance has the rhetoric, the record, and
the results to get this done.

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