We warned you.

We told you this would happen.

The whole perverse alliance with

And now look what they are doing:

This shameless grift has gottern grittier, dirtier, and greedier.

It's all about self-promotion and exhibitionism. If this whole fight is all about protecting the kids, then shouldn't they be focusing on the children?

And how do they expect to help children when they walk around actively lying to themselves and the rest of the public about their own identities? This is madness, and it's selfish.

What is really at stake here? Why are they doing this? It's a grift, yes, but it's also a massive CYA PR operation, so that people won't hate "LGBT people."

The fact is that people are speaking out against the whole LGBT movement precisely because the Slippery Slope is real. Pro-family groups like MassResistance warned EVERYONE ten years ago that normalizing false marriage would lead to all kinds of sexual perversions becoming imposed public policy.

And here were are today.

Now, the gays and the trannies want to cover their tracks and deflect blaming by showcasing themselves as "protectors of the children." But the children are under attack now because the LGBT cult insisted on normalizing their mental illnesses in the first place. How could anyone really have believed that aggressive sexual perversion would stay in the bedroom in the first place?

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