Sheriff Alex Villanueva is sounding the alarm on the LA County Board of Supervisors' latest power grab.

The County board wants to take away from the voters the final say on who serves as their Sheriff. It's really disgusting. What Measure A aims to do is give the LA County BOS the power to remove and replace the sheriff in a "veto power, recall power" shuffle.

This power grab is a palpable, unconstitutional affront to the power of the people, and we the people need to stop it at all costs.

Here's Sheriff Villanueva's announcement about stopping Measure A:

Let’s cut through the nonsense and the smokescreens.


Measure A is nothing but a power grab by the County Board of Supervisors to let them overturn your vote. They want to take away your power.


In November, we the voters will elect a Sheriff.  Over a million people will vote for the winner, whoever it is.  But the very next day, Measure A would allow just four members of the Board of Supervisors to overturn our votes, and hire anyone else as Sheriff, regardless of their qualifications. 


That’s the definition of undemocratic.  It’s a lot like what some people tried to do after the last Presidential election.


We don’t allow Congress to replace the President after he or she was properly and legally elected.  We don’t allow the City Council to replace the Mayor after he or she was properly and legally elected.  So why would we allow the Board of Supervisors to replace the Sheriff after he or she was properly and legally elected?


If we don’t like the Sheriff, we can vote him out of office on Election Day.  If he did something wrong while in office, we can vote to recall him whenever we want.  But in both of those situations, we are in charge.  Measure A would take away our vote, and give it to four politicians, most of whom we never voted for, and who don’t know anything about us, our concerns, or the neighborhoods where we live.


Vote to defend democracy. Vote No on Measure A.



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Please make checks payable to:
No on Measure A, LA County Residents Fighting to Protect Voter Rights

c/o Reed & Davidson, LLP 515 S. Figueroa St., Suite 1110 Los Angeles, CA 90071

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