The midterm elections are in less than a week. Afterwards, no matter which party wins control of the next Congress, the current crop of US Senators will return to Washington DC for a lame duck session where they will take up HR 8404, the grossly misnamed Respect For Marriage Act. This legislation would impose same-sex ‘marriage’ on every state in the nation even if state voters have explicitly voted to define marriage solely as the union of one man and one woman.

Help NOM Stop HR 8404

But HR 8404 could do even more damage as it opens the door to forcing every state to accept polygamous marriages, men marrying child brides and every other perverse type of ‘marriage’ if judges or politicians in just one state legalize it there.

Shockingly, there is a strong possibility that Democrats could convince at least 10 Republican Senators to go along with HR 8404. We’ve got to stop them.

NOM has created this meme to help publicize just what is at stake in this battle:

"Fb" "Tw" "Email" "Website"

There are two things I am asking you to do right now to help us defeat this terrible legislation:

  1. Save this meme to your computer or phone and use it in all your communications for the next several weeks – send it to friends, put it in your email signature line, post it on social media, etc.

  2. Make an immediate donation to NOM to help us raise awareness and galvanize Republican opposition to HR 8404.

We have precious little time left before the midterm elections to raise awareness about this dangerous, dastardly legislation. Please act today to help.

To save the HR 8404 meme, just right click on the image and then save it to your computer or phone just as you would any other picture or add 'use the buttons below the image to share it on social networks.

"Fb" "Tw" "Email" "Website"

NOM is leading opposition to HR 8404 but we’re in a tough fight. Already a number of Republican Senators, including several who are retiring from Congress, have indicated they may vote for this legislation. It’s imperative that we turn up the grassroots heat on every Republican Senator in order prevail.

We need to raise additional money immediately. Please make a generous donation to NOM today.  Thanks to some supporters, every donation received will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to a total of $100,000.

NOM is doing everything in our power to defeat HR 8404, which really should be called the DisRespect For Marriage Act because it dismisses the views of over 50 million Americans who went to the polls in three dozen states to define marriage solely as the union of one man and one woman.

NOM has generated over 600,000 email messages to Senators from Americans demanding that they reject this terrible legislation, and our members have placed countless telephone calls to Senators' offices with the same message. With just days left until the midterm elections, we need to do even more.

Thank you for stepping up at this crucial time.

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