Dennis Prager and the Prager Universe:

My name is Arthur Schaper, the Organization Director for
MassResistance, the international pro-family group that makes the difference.
For nearly thirty years, our organization has been taking on one of the most
essential and controversial fights in the culture war on the Right: the fight
against the LGBT agenda and the lies of the anti-family, anti-natural law Left.

Yet for the last five years, it has become increasingly clear that
most so-called conservative "stars" and non-profits not only want to
avoid this fight, but they have all but caved in and give this destructive LGBT
madness one victory after another.

It was bad enough seeing CPAC descend to inviting drag queens and
cross-dressers as featured guests at at their fake conference. It's no better
when otherwise "conservative" news outlets give confused men like
Bruce Jenner in drag a platform to pretend to be a conservative.

But now you and your team have congratulated
out-homosexual Dave Rubin and his fake "husband" regarding their
upcoming plans to become fathers via surrogacy?!

Congrats @RubinReport! ❤️

— PragerU (@prageru) March 16, 2022

This is unconscionable. How man tenets of conservatism does this

There can be no marriage beyond the union of one man and one
woman.  There can be no family beyond the union of a man and a woman with
the children whom they have reared and raised. There can be no
civilization without family, without natural marriage, without a foundational
regard for this natural law. 

Furthermore, children need their biological parents: the mother
and the father. Surrogacy, and so-called same-sex "families" are
inherently abusive, depriving children of their parents. Numerous studies and
metrics have affirmed that children's psychological, emotional, and even
physical well-being depend on their being raised by their biological parents.

When two homosexuals get (in blunt actuality, steal) children from
their natural parents via surrogacy, it is nothing more than child-trafficking.
This is disgusting, demeaning, and it should be criminalized in the United States. 

The necessary bases of natural marriage, sex, and family
are a fundamental revelation which the Judeo-Christian heritage
provided to the West — and the world! The biggest reason why the West is in
decline today–besides its growing abandonment of Spiritual, Biblical
revelation as the fundamental value force for all good–is the decline and
destruction of the natural family.

Let's be frank:

  • "Build the Wall" 
  • "America First" 
  • "Make America Great Again"

 All of these phrases, mottos, and mantras mean nothing if we do

  • Make Male and Female Great Again
  • Make Marriage Great Again
  • Make Mom and Dad Great Again

I must remind you that the Byzantine Empire had the thickest walls
in modern history, and yet that empire fell to outside forces in
A.D. 1453, in part because of the spiritual malaise which had overtaken
the civilization from the inside. A key reason for that moral and
cultural rot was the decline of natural relations between men and
women, and the destruction of the family. The same doubly holds true
for the Roman Empire and the several city states of Ancient Greece. Just
The Histories by ancient Greco-Roman
eye-witness Polybius. 

Defense and promotion of natural marriage and natural family is
essential to conservatism, or what is there to conserve in the first place?

I am beyond disappointed, Dennis Prager and PragerU.

And yes, sure, I am aware that you have received complaints from
other well-known commentators across the country about that tweet, and that
your team was thinking about taking down that tweet at some point. And yet
here we are, and nothing has been done. In fact, it's too late. The news 
about this public statement has gone so far abroad already.

PragerU, you are not even "controlled
opposition," as some of your critics contend.

You are part of the cultural problem afflicting this
country now.



Arthur Schaper, Field Director



Workcell: (781)

Main Office: (781)

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