Alex Jones is a patriot.

He is a mature tactician who understands the larger issues at stake.

The New World Order elements seeking to silence individuals, undermine nations, and remove true recognition of God and country are doing everything they can to silence the truth.

Elon Musk has struck back at them, opening up Twitter usage, and allowing more people to comment, share their ideas, get their thoughts out.

Musk has not taken the strongest steps toward advancing free speech, but he is doing much more than Jack Dorsey or his bureaucratic lackeys ever allowed.

People all over the world are clamoring for Musk to bring back Alex Jones.

He has declined to do so.

He has declined to do so … at this time.

But Alex Jones has a strong, adult response to this refusal.

Check out his full statement below:

— Dailymindvirus (@dailymindvirus) November 19, 2022

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