The Regressive Left believes in democracy, if the outcomes suit their political agenda.

Anything else is fascism to them, straight up.

Here's the latest stupid rant from whining about the collapse of democracy. The fact is that they don't like that Republicans and conservatives are fighting back, and fighting back better using their own activist techniques against them!

Dear MoveOn member, 

As Trump continues to threaten fascist violence in response to a possible indictment (he just told a right-wing talk show host that there will be "… problems in this country, the likes of which perhaps we have never seen before" if he is charged with a crime).1

And as his white supremacist henchmen in the U.S. Congress do the same (Lindsey Graham: "literally, there will be riots").2

We have some heroes we want to tell you about whom we hope you will directly support and who are trying to preserve our democracy one state at a time.

These five candidates are quietly going about the business of stopping Trump's handpicked accomplices from taking over the highest election office of five states—secretary of state.

Before we tell you about these champions for democracy, understand whom they are trying to defeat. Who they must defeat. The people they are running against are literally Oath Keepers, insurrectionists, leaders of sham lawsuits, white supremacists, vote suppressors, and election deniers.

These five include anti-democratic, pro-fascist Republicans ready to overturn any election or suppress any vote if the result isn't what they want.

That's why we are asking you not to give to us but to give to the five candidates we have listed below. By clicking here, your $3 donation will be split evenly between these five campaigns, all of which are trying to protect our democracy from the fascism of Donald Trump.

As you know, in many states, the secretary of state is the single most important position for ensuring election integrity and preventing Trump's next attempt at a coup. That's why in the five swing states of Colorado, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Michigan (all states won by Biden in 2020), Trump and Steve Bannon are pulling out all the stops—from candidate recruitment to flooding the airwaves with dark money—to secure the top elections post in each.

And that's why MoveOn made the unprecedented decision this year to lean in heavily in these races. We know that if we are not diligent, these election deniers will attempt to disregard the will of the people and install Trump in the White House. These are the Democratic candidates we are supporting:

Democrat Adrian Fontes in Arizona, who is running against Republican Mark Finchem. Finchem participated in the insurrection on January 6 and is a member of the white supremacist Oath Keepers. He said the 2020 election was "rigged" and a "fraud."3

Democrat Cisco Aguilar in Nevada, who is running against Republican Jim Marchant. Marchant openly declares he would not have certified the election results for Joe Biden in 2020. He has said it is "very possible" that he will submit alternate electors in 2024, if he's elected.4

Democrat Jocelyn Benson in Michigan, who is running against Republican Kristina Karamo. Karamo still believes Trump is president, claims she saw fraud in Detroit, where none existed, and filed a sham lawsuit to get the Supreme Court to throw out the 2020 results.5

Democrat Jena Griswold in Colorado, who is running against Republican Pam Anderson. Anderson refuses to denounce Donald Trump's attacks on our democracy and has campaigned alongside Erik Aadland, a devout election denier running for Congress.6

Democrat Bee Nguyen in Georgia, who is running against Republican Brad Raffensperger. Raffensperger championed one of the most restrictive voting rights laws that the GOP pushed after losing the 2020 election, blocking drop boxes, restricting early voting, and denying water to voters waiting on line for hours in the heat.7

Without overstating it, stopping Trump from returning to the White House in 2024 may well depend on these five Democratic candidates winning their seats. Please split a $3 donation to these candidates now. Every dollar you send will go directly to them.

Thanks for all you do.

–Chris, Arvin, Chloe, David, and the rest of the team


1. "Trump warns of 'big problems' if indicted, says he'd still run for office," The Washington Post, September 15, 2022

2. "Graham Predicts 'Riots in the Streets' if Trump Is Prosecuted," The New York Times, August 29, 2022

3. "At least 11 Republican nominees for state elections chief have disputed the legitimacy of the 2020 election," CNN, August 19, 2022

4. Ibid.

5. Ibid.

6. "Secretary of State Candidate Pam Anderson Won't Say If She Thinks Trump Should Run Again in 2024," Colorado Times Recorder, September 14, 2022

7. "Everything You Need to Know About Georgia's New Anti-Voting Law," The Nation, April 1, 2021

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Paid for with regulated funds by Political Action, PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C., 20090. has never had any real credibility, ever since they stood by the stained Presidency of Bill Clinton. Now, they are busy carrying water for the regressive left, looking for every excuse to criminalize any political opposition in the country.

The left-wing, socialist, communist, Satanist forces in the United States know that their time is limited. They will stop at nothing to hold onto whatever little power they have left, and they will shame, blame, and defame anyone who tries to stand in their way.

But there is a massive uprising of the citizenry in this country which is refusing to put up with this abuse, this destructive, this moral chaos which has become all too common. We the People are exercising our rights as citizens in a democratic Republic, and no one is going to take them away under the guise of besmirching us as fascists.

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