Moms for Liberty, or Moms for Libertines?

Moms for Liberty partners with transgenders, homosexuals, and even porn stars to get the word out to stop the "sexualization of children."

This is the direction of the parents' rights movement in the United States?


Don't believe me?

Do tell about Tell Williams:

— Scarlett Johnson (@scarlett4kids) November 13, 2022

Who is this teacher that Scarlett Johnson is celebrating?

Oh, just your average, everyday LGBT+ promoting pre-K teacher by day, porn star by night.

Yes, the guy pushes pornography, stars in it, promotes, and yet he claims to have the best interests of children in mind.

This is the role model
that Moms for Liberty wants to promote

You can find all you need to know about this pervert right here.

Yes, Really. 

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