


What is it with the establishment elites HIDING from the people?


Joe Biden's been in the basement for months. 


He pops out – delivers a massively unpopular plan for student loan forgiveness – and goes back to avoiding the public. 


That peek-a-boo act must be written into the official Democrat playbook because my opponent, Katie Hobbs, is doing the exact same thing! 


She refuses to debate. She refuses to show her face to the people of Arizona. If she's not making a plea to the radical left for more Soros money to fund her campaign, no one hears from her at all.


This unaccountable, ridiculous behavior is so typical of a political establishment that does not value the voice of the people. FIGHT BACK >> 


Now, it should be clear by now… 


I'm not hiding. That's because I'M NOT AFRAID.


I speak with the people every day because I believe that WE THE PEOPLE deserve to hear from both sides and get a fair idea of who will stand for you and who won't.


The silence is deafening. 


While conservative leaders like me on the NEW RIGHT are open books…


The failing establishment elites are closed doors. 

It's time for us to say OUT WITH THE OLD, and in with the NEW (RIGHT) so we can SAVE AMERICA from these out-of-touch narcissists. Are you with me?

I'm telling you right now that I am a strong conservative who can get things done. I'm the transformative leadership we need. But you don't need to just take my word for it. 


I'm endorsed by:

  • President Donald Trump
  • Governor Ron DeSantis
  • Rudy Giuliani
  • Marjorie Taylor Green
  • Sheriff Joe Arpaio
  • Richard Grenell 
  • General Michael Flynn, and more…

Together, we're going to unite to solve the problems America is facing right now. And trust me… there's a lot to do. 

But I know I can make it happen because I've always been able to do anything I set my mind to. And that's not going to stop now!


I grew up in Iowa. There's not a lot to do there, but that's where I honed my work ethic. 


I worked hard. I learned to fight. I gained that fighting spirit the old establishment GOP never had – that's what makes me a part of the NEW RIGHT. 


I developed that backbone of steel – that "BDE" that President Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis have. And frankly, that we want all of our elected leaders to have.


Someone even recently told me "Kari, you're going to be the DeSantis of the West." 


Other than being called "Trump in a Dress – which is my favorite compliment of all – that is the greatest compliment you could pay me.


To me, that means that you know when you elect me, you're going to get someone who fights for you every single day. 


We are going to be so effective in Arizona.

Arthur, I promise you this, as the governor of Arizona, I will be the biggest pain in the ass Joe Biden's ever experienced. 


I will unite with conservatives across the country to protect Arizona from this out-of-control federal government. We will save our states and return the power to WE, THE PEOPLE, where it belongs.


This is our moment to make it happen.

Arthur, let's not forget that the race for Governor of Arizona is one of the most important fights in the entire country.


It's our chance to prove to corporate media that we are stronger than the lies. 


It's our chance to prove to the establishment elite that the NEW RIGHT is here to stay.


And it's our chance to SECURE OUR BORDER, defend our small businesses, defeat inflation, end leftist indoctrination and get our nation back on track.


Though the results took longer than they should have, Arizonans who have been forgotten by the establishment already delivered a POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE in the GOP primary. We won every single county in Arizona!


Now, all eyes are on us. 


It's game time.


And I need you on my side.


Will you support our momentum?

Now, I don't care if you're with the Democrat Party, the Independent Party, the Republican Party, the Pizza Party, or the Pool Party – our policies are going to help every American.


We have to stand together and defeat the left so we can save America. 


I hope that you will chip in now to support my campaign for Governor of Arizona.



Kari Lake

Candidate for Arizona Governor

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