However, we know that from July 1, 2022 to September 1, 2022 the Republicans gained 34,719 voters and the Democrat and Unaffiliated voters lost 21,721 voters.  So either way you read the data, cross-over voting had a huge impact in our Primary election and on Mark Gordon's final voter count.

I received this news from a conservative correspondent in Wyoming today.

The Wyoming Republicna Party gained 35,000 voters and the Democrats LOST voters. Doesn't that tell you something?

Let's work out the percentages on this:

Wyoming Population: 581,348

The number of GOP registrations increased by 6% in the state. That's considerable.

What about the California Republican Party, though?

Democratic numbers are increasing, and at a time when the Democratic Party's registration numbers are in freefall all over the country! In Florida, in New York, in New Mexico voters are switching to the GOP in massive numbers. In Virginia, Republicans are witnessing an unprecedented resurgence. Nevada is about to become a red state again across the statewide offices, including one of its US Senators as well as the Governor and other state offices.

But what about California? Our inept political leadership cannot even bother to register voters, aside from some middling bounty program, which means basically nothing, especially when a number of the county central committees have very few people attending them in the first place.

In Rhode Island, Republicans knocked out the Speaker of the House! In Hawaii in 2018, Republicans actually managed to GAIN a seat in the state senate. Sure, the new state senator is a RINO, but at least he opposed the noxious, abusive sex-ed programs that the Hawaii Teachers Association wanted to push on all of Hawaii's kids.

Republicans just won the city attorney's position in Seattle, Washington last year. In 2020, a Republican was re-elected as Secretary of State of the entire state of Washington! And this year, if the polling holds steady into election day, a Republican is going to be elected Governor of Oregon, a state which has not had a Republican chief executive in forty years! Polling also suggests that a Republican will be elected the next attorney general in New York State, too. And back to Rhode Island, it looks as though a Republican will be elected to Congress representing the Western half of the state, the first Republican in thirty years — 30! — to get elected to Congress from the hypermajority Democratic state.

These victories are incredible and unprecedented across the country. But they are a massive black eye for the California Republican Party, whose leadership seems conflict with managed decline and controlled failure, all while purging conservatives from central committees and shutting down serious conservative candidates for local, county, and statewide offices. At some point, will California Republicans have enough guts and resources to take back their party, or will they take the easier, softer approach and just abandon the state entirely?

Oregon is about to have a Republican governor–Let that sink in once again. And for four years previous to that, a Republican served as Secretary of state. California, are you embarrassed yet? California Republican Party, have you had enough with the perpetual losses or what?

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