I am glad that the Family Research Council is speaking out boldly against HR 8404, the False Marriage legislation which the Democratic US Senate is trying to push onto the entire country.

Check out this extensive argument an analysis against this terrible legislation:

Stand for Biblical Truth in the Public Square

Dear Arthur,

Some congressional Republicans seem to be suddenly going soft on an issue that should be a political no-brainer: marriage.

The question is, will the GOP stand on truth or shrink under cultural pressure?

The Defense of Marriage Act, which recognized natural marriage in federal law, passed with overwhelmingly bipartisan support and was signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996. However, in July, 47 House Republicans joined their Democratic colleagues in voting for the so-called Respect for Marriage Act (H.R. 8404).

Far from respecting marriage, if passed by the Senate and signed into law, the bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and codify same-sex marriage into federal law. Further, it would take a steamroller to religious freedom on this topic!

Congressman Bob Good (R-Va.) sees the handwriting on the wall for House conservatives who are willing to compromise on core values. "I was very disappointed that any Republicans would vote for this bill," he lamented on Washington Watch, "and disappointed to see that 47 of my colleagues did."

A handful of Republican senators are openly in opposition to the bill. A few have indicated support, while a majority have remained noncommittal. Together, our voices can help bolster those who need it.

At Family Research Council, we stand unwaveringly for policies that protect natural marriage and the family. Your generous gift today ensures FRC has the resources to continue standing– and helping these senators stand–in our nation's capital for faith, family, and freedom.

Will you stand with us in this critical hour?


If the Senate passes the so-called "Respect for Marriage Act," this decision will affect our freedoms today and those generations to come. There are several compelling reasons why senators should oppose the bill.

1. Rights of Children
Our nation's laws should be shaped by what is best for society as a whole and especially for children. Studies show it is in children's best interest to be raised in homes with a married mother and father. The law should never be manipulated–by the courts or by Congress–to sanction intentionally fatherless and motherless family structures, which is precisely what this bill would do.

2. Indoctrination of Children
This will only fuel the radical sexual ideology of the Left that has eclipsed the focus on educating our children in our public schools. The values of parents will be barred from the classroom as our children are indoctrinated into accepting the new "norm" in human sexuality.

3. Religious Freedom Repercussions
In Justice Samuel Alito's Obergefell dissent, he said the court's decision to endorse same-sex marriage would be used to "vilify Americans who are unwilling to assent to the new orthodoxy." In the seven years since Obergefell, dozens of wedding vendors, businesses, religious universities, adoption agencies, and churches have faced censure, threats, and lawsuits over their sincerely held beliefs on marriage and human sexuality. This legislation would clear the way for increased harassment by activists against people of faith.

4. States' Rights
Every state would be forced to recognize every other state's future definition of marriage, no matter what that definition included. This would run roughshod over the basic principles of federalism and push a "lowest common denominator" on all of the states.

5. The Bedrock of a Thriving Society
Apart from the shifting political winds these last seven years, nothing has changed. Natural marriage is still the bedrock of a thriving society. Conservatives believe that values, ideals, and institutions that lead to human flourishing should be preserved, including natural marriage.

Codifying same-sex marriage into federal law will open the door for more hostility toward Bible-believing Americans.

Grassroots Christian conservatives like you are already getting through even to the most vulnerable politicians. Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), who originally said "I see no reason to oppose" the bill, now tells Axios, "I wouldn't vote for it because of all the issues raised about religious liberty."

During this critical moment, your generous support bolsters our mission to equip and encourage believers to stand for the truth of God's Word in their communities. Will you partner with us today?


When Republicans support this distortion of marriage, it's a slippery slope that will have lasting repercussions on our culture.

Congressman Good remarked, "It's just a continuation of the war on our foundational principles, our Judeo-Christian principles upon which our nation was founded–our respect for religious freedom, our respect for the importance of the family, and the importance of biblical principles."

Arthur, you can count on FRC to stand for truth in the public square no matter which way the cultural winds blow. We will always advocate for natural marriage, the protection of the unborn, parental rights, and domestic and international religious freedom.

Our faith and freedom will be tested. But we will not be moved.

Thank you in advance for your faithfulness.

P.S. – When you give a generous gift to FRC, you are not only advancing faith, family, and freedom in our culture, but you are equipping others to stand for biblical truth in their communities. Stand with us!

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We must stop this false marriage push at all costs!

Tell your US Senator to vote NO on HR 8404!

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