I received this letter from the head of the Torrance-Lomita-PV Republican assembly. [See Bold Type below]

Apparently, there has been some growing drama among the different chapters in the South Bay section of Los Angeles County.

The statewide organization is allowing another chapter to open up for Palos Verdes and San Pedro, here in the South Bay. The problem, though, is that another chapter, the Torrance-Lomita-Palos Verdes Republican Assembly, worked very hard to add Palos Verdes to its jurisdiction. The bigger problem is that the state leadership is allowing this new chapter to emerge, even though the outcome will run rough-shod over state and local by-laws.

What I am starting to see from the CRA is the same kind of raw pursuit for more clubs, for more leaders, but no real commitment to winning elections or building a conservative brand to take back the state. The state organization is also not responsive to local groups, which want more flexibility when it comes to members joining the club.

Another question does arise: are the local chapters getting their money's worth for all the donations that they have to send to the state organization? Members pay $25 a member, and $10-15 of that goes to the state organization. But for what? What is it accomplishing?

If the statewide organization is not going to play by the rules, why be a member? If the state organization is not going much for local chapters and candidates, what's the point?

Here's the letter from TLPVRA President Scott Carter regarding the potential take-over of the Palos Verdes area to another assembly unity. Tell me what you think:

Dear Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes RA Members, 

As a TLPVRA member, it is important for you to know what's going on and as your President it is important for me and our current Clubs goals to give you our information:

Currently our CRA President Johnnie Morgan, will be seeking members from our Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly to be a member of the as-yet-to-be Approved "PalosVerdes San Pedro" CRA Unit.

Anyone may wish to be a member of that unit anywhere in California.

But here is the information for you to decide on:

Currently, their purpose is to just get members under the leadership of someone else and form a 'new club'.

The potential new president had resigned from our TLPVRA group when he was told he had a conflict of interest when he re-started another  club.

And at the same time, he secured the same speaker slated to speak to the South Bay Republican CRA unit, before they were to meet, for 'his' other group, which was not respectful to them and in my humble opinion, unethical.

Now, undeterred by his previous conflict of interest behavior, he has been asked by CRA President Johnnie Morgan, VP Davina Keiser, SD (outside of her Senate District) Jo Reitkopf, to start a new Unit in Palos Verdes. This is despite the fact we are the only ones legitimately assigned to Palos Verdes in 2020. The fact they did not consult us on it, which says volumes as to the character of the leadership of the CRA.

Aside from that, you are free to choose if you would like to be a member
of their PVSP Unit should you decide to.
We will continue to have our Endorsements for Palos Verdes School Board and City Councils in the next meeting as well, since we have the sole jurisdiction in that area.

If you do join the Palos Verdes San Pedro Club, it is not approved
for existence yet or for CRA Endorsement of Candidates. Only the Torrance
Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly is eligible and capable to
do so.

However the "Palos Verdes San Pedro Club" is meeting in TORRANCE
(outside of their 'Territory', which is against the CRA Bylaws(Sec.10) in order
to establish themselves as a CRA Unit. That is a violation.)
(But it has been violated before without repercussions by the leadership of the CRA.)
To be held at Mimi's Restaurant and you are expected to pay (our meetings are free)
for a meal ($15-20 minimum) to listen to Mr Shawn Steele (Spoke at our Group in January) and State Treasurer Candidate Jack Guerrero ( a dynamic speaker, but had schedule conflicts with us on two occasions).

If you do decide to attend the meeting they may ask you to switch membership from our Club to their Club. It is up to you.

BUT WE would really like you to stay with us to continue building our Club and continue to pursue our area wide goals for Torrance, Palos Verdes and Lomita.

Our newsletter will be coming out soon for our new meeting location,
we are going back to the Torrance Airport Sunday Oct 16th, 2022, with plenty of parking,
NEW Time- 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Hope to see you at our New Meeting Location on October 16th.

Thank you for being a member of the Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly.


Scott Carter

Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes 
Republican Assembly,
CRA Senate Director District 24

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