
See Jesus, See You!

I have been spending a lot of time in the book of Colossians the last few weeks and there is one Scripture in particular that the Holy Spirit has had me meditating on:

Colossians 1:15 “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”

This is certainly a “WOW” scripture. It shows us the connection of Jesus with God and yet also shows the connection of Jesus with us.

This is exactly what Jesus tells us in John 14:7, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.” The apostle Paul is telling the Colossians that Jesus is the exact image of God. That is amazing in and of itself…but where it goes to almost making your brain go tilt is when Paul says, “He is the firstborn over all creation.”

Not only is Jesus the creator and over all creation, but we also find out in Colossians 1:18 that He is the firstborn from the dead. Jesus came and did life as Adam and through His death, was the last Adam so that He could be the first of the new creation. Because Jesus became sin and died spiritually, when He had satisfied the claims for our justification, He became alive unto God! Jesus was the first to be born again and thus creating a new creation!

Jesus was the first born and we were the second born! Jesus was the prototype of the new creation. As a result, if you want to see the Father, look at Jesus; however, if you want to see the real you…LOOK AT JESUS!!!

Paul goes on to tell us in Colossians 3:10 that in order to experience the new man in Christ, we must renew our minds according to the image of Him who created us. In other words, you can’t experience the realities of your new identity if your perspective is wrong!

We are to renew our minds according to the image of Jesus! Look at Him so you can see the real you…so you can experience all that He made you to be. When you look at Jesus, you discover your position, your possession and your purpose. When you look at Jesus, you begin to conform to the image of Him and your results in the supernatural will explode!

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