Alex Stein, Grifter Comedian

I was not really impressed with Alex Stein when he first came on the scene.

Sure, he gave these great talks in front of city councils, making fun of them in all sorts of ways. He would act like an outrageous, outspoken SJW. He would put on cringe-worthy rap sessions.

He followe Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez around and made jokes about her big butt. OK, it's all funny, whatever.

But with no due respect, what does all this trolling really accomplish? AOC got to play victim and raise lots of money from the attacks on her looks. The people who protested her at her town halls two weeks ago were more effective, since they actually called her out on policy. People on the Left seem to understand that it's not about promoting yourself, but your cause which is how you make the difference. We need to hold elected officials accountable to do what they said they would do.

I am not interested in making a buck. I am interested in making a difference.

But Alex Stein … he wants to make a buck, wants to make a name for himself … and now his self-serving antics have threatened a real political effort in the state of Texas.

Texas MassResistance activists are working with other pro-family groups to get rid of Judge Mary Brown, the despicable left-wing activist who is allowing Ann Georgulas to mutilate her son James Younger. Jeff Younger has been waging as effective a campaign as he can to protect his SONS and stop the abuse of his children by the family court judicial supremacy state.

One direct way to get things done it to give Judge Mary Brown the boot. An excellent attorney, Earl Jackson, has qualified for the write-in ballot, and MassResistance activists like Kevin Whitt are spreading the word for everyone in Dallas County to write in Earl Jackson for Dallas County Judge Family Court District #301.

Click on the link to help Earl Jackson.

This is a real grassroots effort which will have really good consequences for the pro-family. Imagine putting in place a judge which will uphold the law, protect children, and stop the normalization of transgenderism? Imagine a judge reviewing the current Younger v. Georgulas case, and throwing out the rulings which require Jeff Younger to subsidize the systematic destruction of his son by the crazed ex-wife?

This is what the pro-family movement needs to be all about. We need political and cultural victories, not likes, views, and shares.

But instead of assisting with this effort, Alex Stein wants to promote himself and has thrown himself into this judicial contest:


Make Sure to SIGN FOR STEIN for Judge of the 301st Family Court! The Ballot is Write In Only & we are going to beat Judge Mary Brown who signed off on the gender Transition of a 6 Year old boy!! We Can Actually Win This Election!!! Please Share

— Alex Stein #99 (@alexstein99) October 29, 2022

This is a stupid move. There is a qualified candidate who is a shoo-in as a write-in. Why is Alex doing this?

Kevin Whitt tried to correct Alex about this and asked him to back down:

Alex as much as I love you, im afraid you are not qualified to be a write in. You must file as a write in for that vote to even count and secondly you must be a licensed attorney to run for judge. If you want to help, promote Earl Jackson

— KevinWhitt (@KevinWhitt45) October 29, 2022

Kevin is right.

In order to be a write-in candidate for a judicial office, you have to apply to be a write-in candidate. You also have to be a lawyer. Not just anyone can run for a judicial seat. Alex Stein is clearly unqualified.
And how did Alex Stein respond when Kevin told him to support Earl Jackson:
First, he blocked Kevin on Twitter:

Then he shamed him in a direct message:

Alex called Kevin "gay" and told him to stay in his "closet":
"Bye Felicia have fun in the closet the rest of your life sadly you can't just accept who you are"
This is Alex Stein. He mockes pro-family conservatives. He frustrates pro-family efforts to get rid of a really bad judge and replace her with a good statesman. Instead of thinking about the larger goal of winning the political and cultural fight, he gets angry because someone tells him to back of an election proposal which is not possible.
This is really shameful. This is grift on a whole new level. It's one thing to be a comedian. It's one thing to be funny. But it is not funny to frustrate a true grassroots effort to get rid of bad politicians who hate kids and destroy families.
Alex Stein was not that big of a deal in the first place, and now he's a Controlled Opposition Grifter helping the anti-family, LGBT Left. It's just so shameful.
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