Now I am asking for your help to deal with a rogue Congressman, Steve Knight (R-Simi Valley).

He has signed off as one of 23 Republicans on a discharge petition to bring an amnesty bill to the floor.

All the amnesty talk in Washington DC hurts our efforts to stop SB 54. In fact, all this amnesty talk encourages more illegal aliens to break into our country because they think that they will get a free ride to citizenship.

“If you touch me again, I will drop your ass!”


Please, join me and the rest of our growing community against SB 54 at the following location at the following time:

Wednesday, June 6th

1:00–2:00pm (or longer if you want)

Congressman Steve Knight’s District office

1445 E. Los Angeles Avenue, #206
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Office #: (805) 581-7130
I have sent out this press release to all major media for this event the day before.

We need to make sure that our Congressmen, the ones who pledge to represent the best interests of citizens, continue to do so.
Right now, Rep. Knight has placed his signature on this amnesty discharge petition. This is a bad idea, since it gives the open border Democrats the power over the House of Representatives!
BAD! Do you want to see the House send over an amnesty package to the US Senate? Rest assured, it will hurt our cause to stop sanctuary state in California and to push the Secure Border MAGA Agenda going into November.

We need to remind Congressman Knight that he works for We the People, not open border groups, special interests, or La Raza!!
Tell Congressman Knight to do the following:
  1. Remove his name from the discharge petition.
  2. Put Americans first, including those in greatest need
  3. Support the President’s immigration enforcement agenda.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
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