You Should Vote Democrat If …

 Bringing Biblical principles of governance to government leaders…and to the people who elect them!November 6, 2022 | You need to vote Democrat.Greetings Arthur,We are not partisan. I have confronted – face to face – numerous Republicans running...

Hertzberg v. Horvath, The Final Round

So, this is the final round for Hertzberg v. Horvath.Both are progressive Democrats. Both say that they want to make abortion on demand available at all times and everywhere.And yet, even then there are some differences between the two candidates as they battle to...

Idaho GOP: Stop Biden-Flation!

 Tomorrow you have the chance to lower costs at the pump. Tomorrow you can make a used car cost less than a new car off the lot. Tomorrow you can defend life; stop the sexualization of our children; end the violence in our nation’s streets; rebuild our...

Omar the Grifter Now Fundraising for MTG?

STOP THE GRIFT!Arthur:I simply can't do this alone.I’m being outraised.The media attacks against me increase on a daily basis.They’re hoping you’ll give up on me.They are more concerned about the attack at Nancy Pelosi’s home and ignore the 6 times liberal...

The Church MUST Influence Goverment

 FEC United Faith Pillar DevotionalNovember 7, 2022 The Church Should Influence Government When did the Church decide we shouldn't be a part of government decisions?  Why did we fall for the incorrect interpretation of "separation of...