Dear LGBT Allies: You Actually Hate Gay People. Why?

For a long time, I have commented that homosexuality and transgenderism are harmful behaviors and destructive ideologies which prop them up and foist them onto others.Now is the time to confront the men and women who insist on calling themselves allies of the...

Letters to the Editor for "Tear Down This Icon"

Two weeks ago, I wrote the first article in over a year for Down This Icon: Replace Reagan with TrumpHere are two letters I received in response:Whew! This is silly in the extreme. Trump was a fine president but he did not defeat Russia , crush the...

The Gay Agenda is Dead and Gone

Dear LGBT Activists,We know that you have been bullying everyone for LGBT supremacy for the last twenty years.And We the People have had enough.So, for people like you, we have a song to share.[Sung to the tune of "We're Coming for Your Children," by the...