We worry because we think that we have to do something.

We worry because we think that we can do something, but we do not know what to do.

We worry because we think that God is not taking care of anything.

When we see that Jesus has placed us in Himself, seated at the right hand of God the Father, then we can accept that He will freely give us all things with Himself (Romans 8: 31-32)

We worry because like the disciples in the boat, we see Jesus as Master, as an example to follow, or an Advisor who can give us insight into what we need to do.

Yet we then believe that everything else is up to us.

When you are in a storm, you do not need someone to tell you what to do.

You need someone to help you out of the storm.

Jesus does even better.

He gives us beyond what we ask or think.

In Mark 4, Jesus silenced the storm with one word.

Let Him do the same in your life.

Stop worrying, and start worshipping Him, because He is working in you and through you, and He wants you to live through Him!

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