The imminent
Omnibus package hurtling toward passage in the U.S. Senate shows how bad it’s
gotten in Washington, D.C. The latest spending package defines the Swamp, and
shows how it has overwhelmed every facet of public life and federal funding in
every way. Sen. John Kennedy slammed it as a “big whiz” on the leg of American
taxpayers. The Freedom Caucus issued a resounding “NO!” against this bill as
soon as it went public. Congressmen David Brat and Mark Meadows both
urged President Trump to veto the bill. Their fellow Freedom Caucuser
Justin Amash exposed how these legislative shenanigans erode American voters’
confidence in the federal government—if they ever had any. Even my own
left-wing lunatic Congressman Ted Lieu voted against this Satan Sandwich.
“But there’s transparency!”
Transparency doesn’t mean much when a spending bill is hoisted onto the
Internet two days before the vote. It’s like two big corroded phone books
stapled together, written in the many foreign languages of each lobbyist who
slipped in a special statute, amendment, and by-line. Not exactly Reader’s
Digest. In high school civics, I learned about this kind of legislation:
“Christmas Tree” bills. Why the merry title? Lawmakers throw in amendments to
get pet projects passed for their districts. They end up decorating the
legislation, so to speak, where every special interest gets their favorite
colored ornament pet project financed. The whole process turns into a Blue,
Blue Christmas for We the People, however. Instead of singing “Ho Ho Ho!,” we
get deluged with red ink, record-breaking trillion dollar deficits, the MAGA
Agenda gets no funding priorities, and everything that we want defunded—gets
Oh, and did I mention that
we’re paying for it? Someone tell me if I should tip the Little Drummer Boy,
President Trump signaled on
Twitter that he will sign off on this legislation because it funds our military
and armed forces. I am all for paying our military adequately. They put their
lives on the line and ensure that the federal government fulfills its duty. Yet
the last continuing resolution busted the budget caps on the sequester. I guess
the Pentagon needs to buy another warehouse of $400 hammers. The president has
deftly dealt with engineering and manufacturing firms to lower the costs for
new planes, trains, and automobiles. Now he’s prepared to blow all the savings
on this budget busting Omnibus. Let’s face it: When Democrats want to spend
more money than our coffers allow, they say “It’s for the children.”
Republicans simply say: “It’s for the soldiers” or the veterans.
Our armed professionals take
up arms against enemies foreign and domestic, but they shouldn’t be expected to
defend an irresponsible Congress or a dead-beat treasury.
Someone should explain to me
how funding the military also requires funding Planned Murderhood, too.
President Trump hosted another roundtable with lawmakers and law enforcement
leaders about sanctuary cities. The Omnibus continues the flow of federal
grants to those outlaw jurisdictions. Hey Mr. President, Los Alamitos just
rebuffed California’s nullification effort through sanctuary state SB 54. How
about helping us out for a change?
Oh, and it gets worse: no big beautiful wall along the Southern Border, all
based on that intense and repeated campaign promise which the president had
stressed in primary and general election debates. Yes, there will be $1.6
billion earmarked for border security, including 100 miles of fencing. Last
time I checked, the walls around my home cover every inch of my surroundings. A
wall with a big section of open space is misplaced modern art and doesn’t
protect anyone. Sure, there’s lots of money going to fight opioid addiction.
But President Trump explained during his stirring State of the Union address
that the best way to stop the flow of drugs into the country was to (wait for
it): Build the Wall!
Here’s the worst of the “No
Wall” provision: Cryin’ Chuck Schumer gets big funding for tunnels and gateways
between New Jersey and New York. Hey, let’s at least make it easier for MS-13
to commute from one borough to the next while shooting up the neighborhood,
What else does this
Crap-Omnibus do? The Omnibus expands background checks for gun purchasers.
Republicans have been working hard to make this happen, and everyone in the
country will just have to open their wallets wide up and pay the cost while
losing their rights little by little. As expected, the feds will expand the
regulatory measures, but will not enact national reciprocity for
concealed-carry permit holders. Someone tell me how this is a win, or how this
legislation moves American priorities.

As of this writing, I can only hope
that enough people across the country will
 get mad enough and
barrage their senators to stop this Omnibus. The House passed it already,
despite pleadings from the extremes. If the “Freedom Caucus” of the
Senate—Cruz, Rand, Mike Lee, etc.—shows some muscle and teams up with the Tea
Party of the Left- Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, every Democrat running for
re-election in a blue state or who is running against President Trump in
2020—maybe, just maybe, we can stop this crazy omnibus and push for another
continuing resolution.

If Congress is going to spend
like Drunken Santas blowing away our Christmas Eve checks, Republicans
shouldn’t be surprised if they get wiped out in the 2018 congressional
elections. Then again, with Omnibuses like these, who needs Democrats? At least
the braying jackasses along the coastline and in the inner cities have never
shied away from their commitment to spend money we don’t have to please friends
who hate us.

Come on, President Trump. Art of the Deal this is not. Say “NO!” to the

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