Wisconsin has turned into one of the most partisan
battlegrounds in the United States. From its complete Republican takeover
during the Tea Party Wave of 2010 until today, a conservative resurgence has
secured a number of victories.
The LGBT agenda, however, has not stopped fighting
aggressively to push its agenda in the Dairy State, once known as the
birthplace of progressivism.
The LGBT Agenda has been setting its sights on this state
for a long time, to be sure, and they hoped that the upcoming Wisconsin Supreme
Court race would solidify their chances.
But fortune smiled on the pro-family movement in Wisconsin.
Despite the best efforts of left-wing groups, including funds from former
Attorney General Eric Holder’s PAC and other outside influences, conservative
pro-family judge Brian Hagedorn won a nail-biting election to serve as another
member of the Wisconsin State Supreme Court.
Most of the mainstream media has written basic reports on
this event, citing the fact that Hagedorn was a considerable underdog in the
He was outspent 3-to-1.
He depended predominantly on grassroots support
and conservative radio broadcasting to get his message out.
The Blue Wave resurgence is growing to beat back
Republican advances in key states since Election 2018 and Democrats secured
some key victories last year.
But there’s more to the story, including the perverse
attempts from rabid LGBT ideologues to discredit him, drain him of campaign
funding, and shut down his chances at winning.
State appeals court Judge Brian Hagedorn on Monday defended law school era blog
posts characterizing the overturning of an anti-sodomy law as a basis to
legalize bestiality and calling Planned Parenthood a wicked
who is seeking a seat on the state Supreme Court, said criticism over the blog
posts and calls for promises to recuse himself on cases involving Planned
Parenthood and same-sex relationships are attacks on his evangelical
Christian views.
you have ever been a Catholic or Christian of various stripes you’re going to
get attacked for your faith," Hagedorn said 
in an
interview with WTAQ's John Muir, a conservative radio show host
. "I
think it's unfortunate and that’s not the way things are supposed to
In another article the same month, the
Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel then reported:
State Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn received more than $3,000 over
three years for giving speeches to a legal organization that has supported
criminalizing sodomy and sterilizing transgender people.
a judge on the state Court of Appeals, gave speeches in 2015, 2016 and 2017 to
Alliance Defending Freedom, earning more than $1,000 each time, according to
his campaign and his filings with ethics regulators. Last year, the group
covered at least $50 in travel expenses for him for a speaking engagement,
according to Hagedorn's campaign.
Defending Freedom is a Christian legal organization based in Arizona that
handles high-profile cases. It represented a Colorado 
baker who
refused to decorate a wedding cake
 for a gay couple and unsuccessfully
 a Wisconsin law that allowed gay couples to form domestic
As expected, the headline refers to the Alliance Defending
Freedom as a “hate group”. These revelations seemed like a lop-sided, concerted
attack on one candidate.
Then another article slammed him for helping found a private
school with explicit expectations on sexual
purity and moral relationships
Conservative-backed Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn
helped found a Christian academy that bans LGBT teachers, students and parents.
The K-8 Augustine Academy in Waukesha County, which Hagedorn and his
wife Christina helped found in 2016, employs a code of personal conduct that
lists “immoral sexual activity” by teachers, staff, board members, students or
their parents as grounds for dismissal. It defines immoral sexual activity as
“any form of touching or nudity for the purpose of evoking sexual arousal apart
from the context of marriage between one man and one woman.
Failure of a student to abide by the code of moral conduct could result
in a student “being required to withdraw from the school.”
Clearly, all of these media hit pieces were a coordinated
attack from the liberal media. They were trying to tip the scales of the
election for Hagedorn’s liberal challenger. The key line of attack was to paint
Brian Hagedorn as an anti-LGBT bigot.
What followed from these “shocking revelations” was unprecedented,
yet not necessarily unexpected for conservative candidates:
Specifically, the realtors justified pulling their
endorsement in the
following press release
As a result of
recent disclosures regarding past statements and actions by Wisconsin Supreme
Court candidate
Brian Hagedorn, the Wisconsin REALTORS® Association has withdrawn its
endorsement of his
candidacy. The real estate related issues that served as the basis for our
endorsement have
been overshadowed by other, non-real estate related issues – issues with
which we do not want
to be associated and that directly conflict with the principles of our
organization and the
values of our members.
The Wisconsin Realtors Association operates behind the scenes mostly,
but they invest heavily in conservative causes and candidate … until this
candidate and campaign. The smear tactics against Hagedorn were not designed to
turn off voters … but to scare off donors.
Sadly, those LGBT tacfticsxc worked, and the craven Wisconsin Realtors Association
even tried to justify their backing away from supporting Hagedorn:
Recently, the Wisconsin Realtors Association withdrew its endorsement
of state Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn, explaining that “recent
disclosures regarding past statements and actions” by Hagedorn led to the
group's decision.
Here is the WRA statement in its entirety:
“As a result of recent disclosures regarding past statements and
actions by Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate Brian Hagedorn, the Wisconsin
Realtors Association has withdrawn its endorsement of his candidacy. The real
estate related issues that served as the basis for our endorsement have been
overshadowed by other, non-real estate related issues — issues with which we do
not want to be associated and that directly conflict with the principles of our
organization and the values of our members.”
The WRA statement in no way challenges Hagedorn’s Christian faith. It
simply says the organization believes that some of the judge’s past statements
and actions are in conflict with the values and principles of its members. If
WRA’s critics were being honest, they would acknowledge that the WRA has every
right to consider Hagedorn’s extensive written record and determine whether
those views are intolerant and outside the mainstream of public opinion and
that of their members. 
Instead, some conservative opinion leaders, including some politicians,
have viciously accused the WRA of being “anti-religious zealots.” This is a
bogus and cynical claim that is being used to suppress the rights of others to
speak freely. No one, including the WRA, is disputing Hagedorn’s right to his
beliefs. And no one should dispute the WRA’s right to free speech and
association based on its own values and beliefs.
Not anti-religious,
but political cowards.
The truth is that
the WRA was scared off, intimidated with fear of being labeled “anti-gay”
bigots. This chilling effect in the political realm is silencing freedom of
The WRA is not a group of anti-religious zealots or zealots of any
kind. The WRA is a trade and business association representing a large
membership as diverse as the voting population itself. The group exists
exclusively to serve the interests of its members. Period. Sometimes that
includes supporting candidates for public office that best represent those
interests. That is a right and a choice we are all afforded under the First
Amendment. When the WRA determined it could no longer support Judge Hagedorn,
that was also its First Amendment right. Especially when you consider that
Hagedorn says he stands by everything he has written. 
Of course, this
watery excuse does not take into account the individual or even the corporate
beliefs of the different realtors. Why should individual professionals have to
put aside their faith or their recognition of biological fact.
Then they tried to
play victim in turn!
Those who continue to attack the WRA or any group or individual that
chooses not to support a candidate for any reason are denying their right to
free speech and association. Their actions are more likely to force other
players off the field than to shame them into the game.
Of course, notice
who wrote the Op-Ed:
R.J. Johnson and Deb Jordahl are
veteran political consultants for conservative causes and candidates in
The consultant class in state parties has become extremely powerful.
They control large sums of many, and they can intimidate or influence
candidates and campaigns to shy away from “divisive” issues like protecting the
sanctity of the family.
Hagedorn, however, was unphased and refused to run away from his
deeply-held convictions:
The Constitution provides no religious test for public
office. Attacks on people of faith have no place in public life. I’ll protect
the religious freedom of all people. Stand with me against these shameful
attacks.  https://t.co/glecerFyYf

Judge Brian Hagedorn (@judgehagedorn) February
21, 2019

For decades, MassResistance has warned the public that the LGBT Hate Machine
would unsparingly attack and tarnish every person who stood in its way, who
stood for natural marriage, parental rights, and the integrity of the family.
This is the latest proof confirming our warnings to the pro-family movement as
a whole.
Despite these savage bullying tactics from the LGBT Left, however, grassroots activists determined to make sure that Hagedorn won. They
stepped in when major donors had backed away, walking door-to-door, informing
voters in any way possible.
Then came election night, April 2, 2019—and Hagedorn squeaked by into an incredible victory!

Lessons Learned:
The Pro-Family movement needs to understand that the LGBT Left is out
for blood, they are out to win, and they will do anything they can to smear,
defame, and shame the opposition. Most pro-family groups and conservative
organizations are hoping to find common ground and compromise. They hope that
if they play nice and safe, that they will avoid the infamy of vicious LGBT
But that never works.
When we stand our ground and double down on what is right, what is
true, we can win, and win every time.

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