Wow, the news keeps getting better and better.

President Trump's clear and convincing rhetoric is working wonders on the illegal alien problem here in the state of California. All the sanctuary state talk in the world is a big dud when it comes to actual enforcement and follow-through.

The fact is that illegals are in the country … illegally. It makes no difference how they got here. What matters is that their parents broke the law (if they came as children), or they broke the law themselves by breaking into this country on their own.

Enough is enough. This country's compassion has been pushed to the limit. It's not fair that we are treated with such disdain as American citizens, and we have illegal alien activists demanding full citizenship and all the entitlements they claim that go with it.

Here is the report from KQED indicating that illegal aliens are no longer taking taxpayer dollars for in-state tuition grants from young citizens:

Today is the deadline to apply for California’s major financial aid
programs, and officials have been scrambling for weeks to assure undocumented
students it’s safe to do so.

The deadline has passed.

It's over. American students must come first, not illegal aliens.

Undocumented students can’t get federal financial aid, but the
California Dream Act opened the door to state financial aid starting in
2012-2013. Since then, application numbers had gone up every year — until this

Illegal aliens should not be getting any kinds of benefits or incentives from taxpayer coffers. That is wrong. Illegal aliens need to go back to their home countries. Any kind of DREAM Act must go toward American citizens, young Americans who are struggling to find work and make life great again for themselves and their future.

Stop the invasion. No more illegal immigration!

The California Student Aid Commission began to see a chilling effect
from harsh immigration rhetoric last year, when the annual increase in
applicants they’d come to expect slowed.

Enforcing immigration laws is not "harsh", it's a lawful response and outcome. I want our immigration laws enforced. That is not a "hardline" stance.
This year, fears have been amplified as rhetoric gives way to
high-profile enforcement action. California officials say students’ personal
information is safe with them, but it’s a tough sell.

Our President is actually doing stuff. That's what the voters wanted, and he is making America great again.
In mid-February application numbers were down by nearly half compared
to last year, but a major campaign to get the word out has had some impact.
That gap has narrowed significantly — now the numbers are down less than 10
percent and counting. Still, the commission is bracing for a decrease in
applicants for the first time since the program began.

It should be shut down entirely, not just decreased.

“Every hour I grow more and more concerned,” said California Student
Aid Commission director Lupita Cortez Alcala. “We’ve done everything that we
can possibly think to do.”

How about you start caring about Americans? 
She said they’ve held press conferences, phone banks and information
sessions across the state. They even got a celebrity DJ involved.

The celebrity needs to be arrested.

San Francisco City College student Alejandro Villeda did apply for aid,
despite some reservations, and he encouraged his classmates to take advantage
of this opportunity.
“I feel like the best (way) to make our voices loud is to have an
education,” he told the crowd at a news conference earlier this week.

At taxpayers' expense. That is wrong, and we are not going to tolerate this anymore. Enough with these illegal aliens. We need to put American Dreamers first, foremost, and final. That's it.
But privately he said many of his friends had made a different
calculation and chose not to apply, for fear immigration agents would get hold
of their personal details. “They worry somehow that information gets shared and
they’re gonna go look for them because they know exactly where they live,” he

We will make sure that ICE learns the location of all illegals in the state of California. ICE raids are going to continue apace, with or without California's support.
Alejandro Jimenez, director of City College of San Francisco’s resource
center for immigrant students, said he understands those fears, but encouraged
students to think about what’s at stake.

The illegal aliens should be scared. They broke the law, they broke into this country, and California residents are sick and tired of being broke!

“Having the California Dream Act is the difference between having to
have two or three jobs and taking one class at a time, or moving along in your
education,” he said. “Please take advantage of this deadline.”

Shame on these people! This white-guilt, white supremacy garbage must be confronted once for all.

Shame on all of them. I want to see the end of all this illegal alien pandering, and I want California institutions to respect the needs of American students.

American Dreamers Matter

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