William Murphy

Before Gordon Fox, William Murphy was the most
powerful man in the state of Rhode Island.
 Unlike the chain of
felonies and unethical speakers in Massachusetts, who all bowed out from
criminal indictment or under investigation, at least
one Rhode Island Speaker in recent memory left office because he wanted
did he really leave office and give up power to begin with? 
my article about Rhode Island
House Speaker Nicholas
Mattiello’s connections to 38 Studios, some sources (who insist that they remain anonymous) informed
me that Murphy is still pulling all the strings, and he has h
is fingers all over 38 Studios. 
Now that Fox has taken the fall, the former Speaker/now convicted felon is done bracing all the heat for
the failed video game company and wants to take down more heads with him.
One of the felonious co-conspirators which Fox
would want to take down? Current House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello.
has the biggest reason to prevent an investigation. 
source shared the following information initially off the record, fearing the
repercussion to family and friends as well as employment
because even they got their job through political
38 Studios was put together with the
assistance of Bill Murphy at the point when Murphy was voluntarily stepping
down as Speaker. When he stepped down he put Fox in place as Speaker. He also
put Mattiello
 in as [Majority] Leader – Mattiello and Fox hate each other and always have. But Murphy
protected Mattiello. When Fox went down Murphy was the
unseen hand that moved
all the c
hess players to put Mattiello into the Speaker's
OWES Murphy everything he has to this day. If he allows an investigation to go
forward – especially one
not hampered by RI politics, he knows it's all over – because if even I knew of the first
meeting with Murphy
 long before it became "news" than other do as well, and that means it
can be corroborated
 and Mattiello 
KNOWS an investigation will lead right back to Murphy. And Murphy is smarter than every one of them. He has st on them all that will bring them all down if he gets touched. This whole thing is an inside job where a select few got very rich,
and the RI public will never know the truth.
I've never seen Murphy and Mattiello more nervous
than when the Oversight Commission in the House was investigating this – they
found more real evidence than our own law enforcement did and came so close to
unlocking the whole thing. You want to see political scrambling – I saw the
look of panic in their eyes as they were trying to desperately figure out how
to pull the plug on that commission and look legitimate at the same time.

our entire conversation, my sources had to ensure that
we were communicating through a private line,
 their office phones
and contacts are most certainly being
. At one point, 
they found evidence that someone else had broken into their office, home and computers looking for something but taking nothing – or nothing that they could determine anyway. 
My sources don’t trust the state police, which are investigating Cranston
Mayor Allan Fung
, who for a lack of oversight is getting all the spotlight
from the media.
The same
sources then informed me that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has been
following up not just on Congressman David Cicilline and former Speaker Gordon
Fox, but also Speaker Mattiello. My
were even shown  a video of the current House Speaker  surrounded by RI's
political and underworld elite – including a person known
 to the FBI as "the Ghost" – replete with  illicit activities occurring on a yacht in RI's nationally renowned Ocean State waters.

Gordon Fox
had once written: “Rhode
Island: Time to Call Batman
”. Now is the time for superheroes to stop this
superabundant criminality. The Ocean State needs a tsunami to clean out the
Augean stable of corruption overrunning the entire region.
Or has it become true, 
and Rhode Islanders
just love this corruption too much to let it go,
as another close source
shared with me:
have no idea how pervasive the corruption is. Involves collusions between
political officials of every stripe, judiciary, political hack Prov
 police commissioner, AND MEDIA!! Media reporters COVER UP known
& proven political corruption! They are in bed w/the corrupt! Disgusting
filth all of them.
you do know Rhode Islanders LOVE THE CORRUPTION don't you? They are sickly
"proud" of it! Keep voting the most proven corrupt politicians back
into office time after time. Because THEY ALL "KNOW A GUY…" And
that comes in handy getting patronage jobs, favors, squashing arrests, eats for
them & their families. So you see CORRUPTION PAYS to most all Rhode
Islanders! Insanity defined!!
38 Studios, and reticent Rhode Islanders ashamed to talk about it, perhaps the
residents in this state have had enough. Or will it take a total collapse, with
bridges breaking down and killing people, along with a busted and bankrupted
capital taking down every pension, public service, and bond holder?

Nicholas Mattiello

not start at the top of the rot? Investigate Mattiello and Murphy, and pull the
plug on the whole mad-cap game of corruption which has played Rhode Islanders
for too long.
 Roger Williams would definitely approve. 
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