The Democratic Party loves to play the gender card.

Hillary Clinton thinks that she is entitled to the Presidency just because she is a … woman .

At least, that's what most people still believe..

Whether she has retained any motherly feeling or not is another story altogether.

And yet …

The Democratic Party has a disturbing history of waging war on women.

They push  abortion politics onto the country.

How many countless women's lives have been lost because they were thought to be non-human?

They Democratic Party and their left-wing minions think that it's OK to allow men to go into women's bathrooms, even though this "transgender" bathroom policy puts women and children at risk, and destroys the very essence and  meaning of being a woman.

Hillary Clinton is a serial enabler for a serial womanizer and rapist.

The Democratic Party has been denying women choice in schooling, housing, economic opportunity, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

And now the latest iteration of their War on Women.

Assemblyman Roger Hernandez (D-West Covina) is termed out of office.

He is supposed to be finishing his last few months in the state assembly.

His wife, a councilwoman serving in Baldwin Park, has filed a restraining order against him.

The evidence is mounting, the pressure is growing.

Roger Hernandez

The assembly speaker, Anthony Rendon, finally had to cave to the pressure of his caucus, and all the Republicans.

He stripped Hernandez of all his committee assignments.

But the accused abuser is now on medical leave, still drawing a salary.

Roger Hernandez should have resigned by now.

And why haven't any of the Democrats competing for office made any statements about this abusive man?

Al Muratsuchi wants to play up the War on Women nonsense, but has not denounced wife-beater Hernandez!

Shame on Al Muratsuchi! Shame!!

What gives?

It's time to demand that Muratsuchi campaign speak out.

Contact the Al Muratsuchi campaign, and demand that Al grow some spine and stand up for women against his own corrupt, anti-woman Democratic Party machine!

Muratsuchi for Assembly 2016
P.O. Box 4375
Torrance, CA 90510
Office: (424) 237-8520

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