""Science classes in American Schools are a terrible place to find any relevant

I know and believe why so many kids are turned off to

 I understand fully why our country lags behind when it comes
to math and science.

In our science classes, we teach kids that they are the
descendants of apes.

First of all, this theory has been discredited enough times,
and the “community” of academics which insists on positing such nonsense does
not make it true.

 What are we teaching our kids, when we give the impression
that truth and error are a matter of number as opposed to viability?

I covered a science class at Hawthorne High School, and the
students would tell me without hesitation that they did not believe what they
were reading.

My own science teacher from my bio class in high school did
not believe what she was teaching. The “evolution” stuff is ear-tickling folly
for people who  refused to submit that
their fallen finds to the truth.

Also, if I am the descendant of an ape, why learning
anything? What’s the point? The truth about 
right and wrong, and more importantly the life impulse of grace has no
flow in the lives of the students.

 We need life, people, and we are not going to receive this
life if we are not walking in truth. To tell kids that they are the descendants
of apes is as cruel a hoax as anything.
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