We will end ‘catch and release’ 
On Friday, President Donald J. Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum that takes important steps to end “catch and release,” a dangerous practice whereby those who have violated our Nation’s immigration laws are released into the United States shortly after their apprehension.
The Memo’s opening lines lay out the challenge facing our country:
  • Human smuggling operations, gang member entry, and other criminal activity spilling across the U.S. border threaten our security and safety.
  • The backlog of immigration cases is alarmingly large and has hindered the quick resolution of outstanding cases.
  • Shortages in border-security and immigration enforcement personnel have reached critical levels.
In response, President Trump has asked his Secretary of Homeland Security to produce a report within 45 days that details how the Administration is acting swiftly to end these “catch and release” practices. He also renews his call for Congressional Democrats to join Republicans to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

The fight on opioid abuse takes center stage 
President Trump traveled to New Hampshire three weeks ago to lay out his plan for how America will win the war on opioid and drug abuse. This week marks another important step toward that goal.
Today, opioids will take center stage at the twelfth meeting of President Trump’s Cabinet. He will receive updates from Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway, who is helping spearhead the White House’s initiative, along with Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Later this week, a temporary memorial to victims of opioid abuse will be on exhibition just outside the White House on the Ellipse at President’s Park. It will remain open through Wednesday, April 18.

One important group of Americans is doing very well The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its monthly jobs report on Friday, which showed that nonfarm payroll employment rose by more than 100,000 in March. Following exceptional job growth in January and February, the U.S. economy is adding more than 200,000 jobs per month on average so far in 2018.
Job gains during the Trump Administration have lowered the unemployment rate for all major demographic groups in the United States. One important and often-overlooked group in particular has felt the benefits of accelerated economic growth: Americans with disabilities.
Americans with one or more disability have typically experienced higher jobless rates than the average citizen. The unemployment rate for men with a disability has dropped by 3 percentage points since President Trump took office, and the unemployment rate for women with a disability has fallen by 2.6 percentage points. These numbers even outpace the decline in joblessness across other groups.


The White House | April 5, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian)


This morning, President Trump will host a meeting with his Cabinet.
This afternoon, Vice President Mike Pence will participate in a swearing-in ceremony for Mississippi’s Senator-designate Cindy Hyde-Smith, and a swearing-in ceremony for Carla Sands as the U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark.
Later, the President and Vice President will receive a briefing and have dinner with Senior Military Leadership.
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