Good morning, all of you adorable
I am so glad to be in the heart
of Red Country, Arizona, the Grand Canyon State!

I am so amazed and honored to be
here. There will always be those detractors who hate Trump for no other reason
than the fact that the media tell them to, but that’s why we are here.
This rally is all about unity,
and not just for all the MAGA warriors, freedom-loving patriots, and
conservative activists. This is a grand opportunity to bring Arizonans of all
backgrounds and political persuasions on board the Trump Train, to show them
everything that the President has accomplished for them, whether they voted for
him or not.
How many of you have had someone
ask them “Why do you support Trump? What has he done for you?”
I get the question almost every
time I go to a college event, a counter-protest, or a rally. In fact, when
Eduardo and I—please, everyone, I just want to recognize Eduardo Jaime. His
generous time and hospitality made it possible for me to be here this weekend.
Please give him a round of applause! Latinos for Trump!
Eduardo and I went to the Grand
Canyon, that was my first time going there. At the Grand Canyon, we had our
Trump flags, and one of the visitors saw us and said “Why are you showing
The short answer: “we are
celebrating our President. He is making America Great Again!”:
But indeed, what has Trump done?
1.       He
is Making Life Great Again Again. He is the most pro-life President in our
nation’s history. It’s incredible the strides which he has taken to advance the
protection for life, for the born and unborn. When elected, he first
re-instated the Mexico City Gag order, initiated by President Reagan. That
order bans use of American taxpayer dollars for abortion services overseas. He
actually extended the order to cover other abortifacient contraceptives. He
also steadily taken funding away from Planned Murderhood. He was the first
sitting President to speak at the March for Life. His efforts to combat
abortion exceed Reagan’s record.
2.       He
is making the Second Amendment Great Again. President Trump is a staunch
supporter of the Second Amendment. Despite any of the talk, the President has
scaled back unjust rules which would have prevented senior citizens from
carrying firearms if they had drawn SSI funding. He has advocated for National
Reciprocity, and in the heat of the Parkland, Florida massacres, he has doubled
down on protecting the rights of American citizens while removing gun-free
3.       His
Executive appointment have been incredible
Mad Dog James Mattis
Rex Tillerson to Secretary of State
Betsy DeVos, an ardent advocate for school
choice, voucher programs, and charter schools
Attorney GNE
4.       He
is Making the Supreme Court Great Again. When it comes to the federal
judiciary, Trump nominated and the United States Senate confirmed Neil Gorsuch,
an incredible jurist and constitutional advocate formed in the same mold as
Justice Antonin Scalia. With another justice set to announcement retirement
this summer (Let’s hope), Trump will draw on an incredible list of qualified,
constitutional conservative appointments to ensure that the Supreme Court
retains a right-leaning tilt for at least a generation. He has also nominated
and overseen the confirmation of the most rapid number of federal judges at the
district and circuit court level. This is a massive victory for our movement,
on which will far outlast his tenure in the White House.
5.       He
is Making America Work Again. The economy! We are witnessing unparalled,
unprecedented job growth across the country. Unemployment claims have fallen to
their lowest level in over 40 years. Monthly job growth has averaged 200,000
jobs, with February exceeding 300,000
6.       President
Trump protected the sovereignty of our county and the dignity of American
workers by withdrawing us from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a globalist
scheme which would have outsourced millions of jobs and imported more foreign
workers. Americanism, not globalism, will be our creed.
7.       Trump’s
love of the American worker is unsurpassed. He has put an end to the war on American
workers, on manufacturing. His targeted tariffs and threats of tariffs have
brought allies and competitive countries to play by the rules they established.
He is revisiting NAFTA, which for decades allowed our North American partners
to get away with breaking certain rules, while our own trucks, companies, and
workers had to carry undue burdens in trade rules. Black and Hispanic
unemployment are not just at historic lows, but they are at their lowest on
8.       He
has rolled back more regulations than another President in history. He has
initiated a rule to repeal two regulations for every new rule implemented. He
has successful repealed 22 regulations for every new rule. This has let loose a
roaring economic recovery unlike anything during the Obama Administration.
9.       As
promised, he and his generals have bombed the hell out of ISIS. The notoriously
cruel, barbaric, Islamic militant caliphate is gone! The press won’t talk about
it, because they could only report nothing but good!
10.   He
pushed back on North Korea, refusing to compromise or appease one of the most
brutal, horrific, and just plain stupid dictators in the world. Because of his
aggressive stance toward China, North Korea is finally coming to the table to
discuss de-nuclearizatsion, and on our times.
11.   By
the way, our President has restored the prestiage of our nation around the
world. The Chinese government gave our President an unprecedented welcome,
including a front-door entrance and hosting in the Forbidden City, an
unprecedented honor.
12.   Energy!
The United States has now become the chief oil exporter in the world. He
repealed the awful Clean Power Plant which would have shut down every coal mine
in the country. In fact, contrary to the lies the Democrats have been saying,
coal is back and stronger than every before. Coal mines are opening up all over
the country now. Oil exploration is expanding, too.
13.   Obamacare.
The President has steadily peeled away one bad rule and regulation after
another connected with the dreaded, horrific take-over of our country’s health
care industry
14.   Make
America Safe Again. The president’s constitutional travel bans have kept
dangerous refugees from failed states and Islamic militant countries out of our
country. Police and law enforcement up and down the country feel safe and
secure knowing the President has their back. Border Security has beefed up.
Border crossings from illegals are coming down. Sex traffic and pedophile rings
are getting taken down like never before. I submit to you that the #MeToo
exposes which began with the downfall of Harvey Weinstein would not have
happened without President Trump and the Department of Justice’s aggressive
prosecution of sex offenses against women and children.
15.   President
Trump has neutered the corrupt, deceptive, and destructive mainstream media.
For three decades the major broadcasting networks displayed their left-wing
bias, and there was nothing that Republicans and conservatives could—or
would—do about it. President Trump is his own media, and embarrassed the
arrogant, out-of-touch press every day. Their power to shame and debase our
constitution and our conservative values is weakening every day.
16.   He
is making our Military Great Again
17.   He
has negotiated one great deal after another to cut the cost of funding planes,
trains, and automobiles
18.   He
is putting our veterans first, cutting back at the regulations and red tape
which have strangled our veterans from the getting the best care. He has signed
into legislation ensuring protections for whistleblowers. Sources indicate that
he is leaning toward allowing for more choice and private sector options for
our veterans, too.
19.   President
Trump is draining the swamp. From the state department to the Environmental
Protection Agency, there has been an ongoing stream of bureaucrats and rent-seekers
who are fleeing Washington DC giving up their jobs. There are fewer people
living off the taxpayer in DC than in decades.
20.   The
stock market is rallying, and everyone of us is enjoying the benefits. It has
broken records many times throughout his first year, and is set to bound up
ever higher this year.
21.   He
has staunchly defended religious liberty, complete with executive orders
protecting the freedom of conscience of federal employees. He has filed amicus
briefs defending the religious liberties of private businesses, as well.
22.   The
First Amendment has enjoyed a restoration unseen in modern times. The stifling
effects of political correctness are falling away as everyday citizens like you
and me now come forward and confront our elected officials like never before.
23.   President
Trump has never shied away from recognizing that We are One Nation Under God.
This is essential. Our Judeo-Christian ethic is essential for this country to
remain strong. The United States will remain a great country as long as we remain
a good country, and we can only retain this goodness when we retain godliness,
based on a biblical foundation.
24.   He
has stood strong to protect family and the basic cultural order of our culture.
There are two genders, just as he will get two scoops and serve two terms in
office. He has confronted the transgenderism agenda on many fronts. He has
ensured that public schools will no longer lose funds for not accommodating
this mental delusion. He also moved to ban transgenders from serving in the
military, and his Department of Justice has restored the true meaning of civil
rights protections in the Civil Rights Act. “Sex” does not mean gender
identity, but the biology you were born with, and Trump has not backed away
from that fight.
25.   Let’s
not forget immigration. On this signature issue, Trump was the only candidate
leading the fight from the beginning. He reached out to the Angel Moms and Das
like Mary Ann Mendoza, Agnes Gibboney, and Angie Morfin, among many others who
have lost loved ones to illegal aliens. ICE is now rounding up and deporting
violent criminal illegal aliens at a record pace. The wall is getting built,
folks! He has proposed an unprecedented set of reforms and restrictions on
illegal immiratoin. The Department of Homeland Security has ended one abused
immigration and refuge program after another. Temporary Protective Status
programs are finally … temporary. He has targeted disgusting sanctuary cities,
cutting their funding and putting their corrupt elected officials on notice. He
repealed DACA, and pushed Democrats into a corner to show their true
intentions: they never cared about the young illegals in the country, They only
cared about a steady, never-ending stream of legal immigration who would go on
the government dole, provide cheap labor to rich families, and vote Democrat.
We will finally see this unresolved scourge ended in our lifetimes. Believe it!
What has Trump done? More than
any of us can narrative in five or even ten minutes. He has upset the corrupt
Washington Establishment, he is driving the Democrats further into insanity and
oblivious, and he is making all of us proud to be Americans once again, to take
pride in this great country and ensure that we have a posterity to retain and
return to future generations.
Thank you so much for allowing me
to be here and share this long yet hardly exhaustive list of Trump’s many
accomplishments. We have seven more years ahead of us, folks, and we are just
getting started!

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