Back to David Hadley …

He put together an incredible fundraising machine: the South Bay 100.

The members of this group contributed a set amount to join, and they participated in key activities throughout the election season to assist Hadley and his victory.

For his re-election bid, he launched the South Bay 300 … and I joined this time!

The membership already grew to 412 members by election day!

And still Hadley lost.

As long as labor unions can drain their members of coerced dues and direct their funding to any targeted district they want to …

As long as the unions can mobilizing their members–who receive pay as part of their activism–to pound the pavement, knock doors, and intimidate their fellow employees to vote a certain way …

As long as Big Labor can infiltrate key legislative districts and outspend the opposition at will …

Candidates who rely on voluntary donations from business interests will never have the same amount of money, or closely compete with the rapacious labor unions?

They take money and they do not have to spend it on overhead,  recruitment, retention, or anything else.

The funds are used to further their perverse political agenda.

Hadley's South Bay 100, then 300, and what would have been 500 was an effective organization.

He wanted to counter-balance the public sector unions to ensure consensus and cooperation among conservatives. One Republican would run for a seat, and all the political power of multiple endorsements and donations would hasten them to victory.

Richard Nixon won his Congressional election in the once swing-district Whittier area in the late 1940s following the consensus building from the Committee of One Hundred.

What changed between then and now?

Public sector employees did not bargaining collectively. They did not have the right to!

That all changed with Governor Moonbeam.

Three times now activists and concerned taxpayers have tried to limit the power of public sector union collective bargaining in the state of California. The latest iteration was Prop 32 in 2012, and that measure failed.

California needs federal intervention–NOW!

What about turnout?

That was a featured problem, too.

Republicans did not turn out in larger numbers.

They did not turn out in the primary. 44% of Republican voters in AD-66 did not come out to vote, while larger numbers of Democrats did, since Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton were battling all the way to the end.

What a shame. I had hoped that Ted Cruz would have continued to battle through after Indiana, even though he got flattened in the Hoosier state. His decision to fight on notwithstanding would have helped a number of down-ticket contests in California.

Here are the numbers on the voter turnout for the past three general elections in AD-66, too, in order to see how low voter turnout turned out:

Election 2012

June 5 primary candidates:

November 6 General election candidates:

General Election Vote: 186,508

Election 2014

June 3 Blanket primary candidates:
"Democratic Al Muratsuchi: 30,439 "Approved" – Incumbent Muratsuchi first assumed office in 2012.
"Republican David Hadley: 30,996 "Approved"
November 4 General election candidates:
"Democratic Al Muratsuchi: 53,695
"Republican David Hadley: 54,401 "Green
General Election Vote: 108,096

Election 2016


[hide]California State Assembly, District 66 Blanket Primary, 2016
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Democratic "Green Al Muratsuchi 48.73% 53,295
     Republican "Green David Hadley Incumbent 44.58% 48,755
     Democratic Mike Madrigal 6.68% 7,307
Total Votes 109,357


100.0% ( 248 of 248 ) precincts partially
reporting as of November 25, 2016, 5:56 p.m.  "See
Visit the County Reporting Status page to determine when a county has submitted its latest report.
Candidate Votes Percent
Al Muratsuchi
(Party Preference: DEM)
* David Hadley
(Party Preference: REP)

Supporters–including myself–had hoped that the final tally would not determine the winner until two or three weeks later, just like in Election 2014.

This time, it's crystal clear that David Hadley lost.

How many voted in this election, though (based on tallies through November 25th)?

General Election Vote: 179,295

Voter turnout was not the problem apparently if one sees how this pace of turnout continues upward.

Nearly the same number of people came out to vote this year as four years ago.

The question remains, however — how many more Democrats compared to Republicans voted in 2012 v. 2016?

The Big Labor phalanx has too much money.

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