Unpackaged, Grilled, and Cooked: nothing better describes New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's fate
It would be a real shame if the media, the public, and the pols in the Beltway let the Congressman's multiple indiscretions pass.
He misused technology. He littered the Internet with filth
He cheated on his wife. He deceived the American people (surprise, surprise!)
He has humiliated many, including his wife, his child to be, and the American people. He has lost the necessary credibility to remain in office
Rather than tackling the mounting economic problems swamping this country, pundits are chattering and nattering over the sophomoric improprieties of one lost-cause liberal, which should have been exposed, condemned, and removed, along with the foolish politician who perpetrated them.
Weiner has got to split, like a hot dog bun.