Greg Aprahamian of Santa Clarita, CA has been keeping a firm grip on Congressman Steve Knight (R-Palmdale).

The Congressman won a harsh, contest general election against another Republican in 2014, and was one of the top targets for Democrats in 2016. He won by 53% of the vote, even though Hillary Clinton carried the district as the Presidential candidate.

Knight has to walk a clear and careful line to ensure that he stays in the district.

At Steve Knight's Palmdale District Office

But for him to take picture with radical pro-illegal groups like CHIRLA–he might as well retire now and let someone else take over the district. This kind of political calculation is flawed and foolish.

Congressman Knight is happy to meet with CHIRLA activists:

When will he meet with the grieving parents whose children were murdered by illegal aliens? He needs to meet with the professional and working classes of his district who have seen their jobs pushed overseas or the wages depressed because of cheap labor.

Here is a summary of the RAC Act,
a "Conservative" form of amnesty
(which does not exist)

Greg Aprahamian led a strong contingent of constituents to confront the office staff and demand that Knight put the needs of Americans first.

All Americans should be hammering their representatives to stop amnesty at all costs and bring enforcement into place.

We the People Rising let the staffers have it, and we refused to allow the first staffer to prevent us from entering the office. The District Office Director was much more respectful and professional. Unlike the man who had gruffly greeted us, she allowed all of us to speak, to make our voices heard.

The best part of this visit for me?

I told the staffer: "If Congressman Knight votes for any kind of amnesty, the voters will drop his ass next year!"

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