Turnabout is fair play, in my opinion.

Illegal aliens and their enablers gathered on the steps of Corona City Hall to demand a Clean DREAM Act. Who do they think they are? This country is not their country, and these Congressmen do not represent them. They represent American citizens, taxpayers, and men and women who live in this country legally.

Shame on these arrogant illegal aliens!

They love playing the race card, too. Luis Nolasco shared in Rialto, CA, that "white people only have five years left", a very offensive, racist remarks which exposes the Brown Supremacy agenda for what it is.

It's unreal the kind of abuse that American citizens have tolerated from illegal aliens and the enabling organizations which have gathered around them and championed their cause. This is just wrong, and we should not tolerate it.

So, as they took down their Christmas celebration, We the People Rising chanted right back at them:

"Racists, go home! Racists, go home!"

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