month, I wrote that we needed “Mo” conservatives
, and I endorsed
Congressman Mo Brooks to succeed Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the United
States Senate. I thought Brooks had the best chance of beating down former
Alabama Attorney General and Interim US Senator Luther Strange in the special election.
The Senate Conservatives Fund kind of nudged me in that direction. I have
noticed, however, that that conservative group is batting about .333 to .505
when it comes to endorsements. Some of their candidates win, some of them back
down when an otherwise retiring incumbent jumps back in the race. Sadly, in
more cases they just don’t make.
The good news for all of us “militant
normals”, as Kurt Schlichter calls us
, Judge Roy Moore was the top vote
getting in the August primary. Now he’s the front-runner going into the
September 26, 2017 run-off, too. What’s happening in Alabama? Why do we see such
a rough-and-tumble for the heart and soul of the Republican Party in the
Yellowhammer State? Why would the National Republican Senatorial Committee
spend big bucks in a deep red paradise, as though the fate of the country
depended on it? Actually, the fate of the political class, both Democrat and
Republican, depends on a Strange victory. But We the People want more
conservatives, more constitutionalist patriots—and we need Roy Moore!
How did I miss this one? What did the Senate Conservatives Fund miss,
too, that they went for Mo Brooks? For my part, I never believed that Brooks
was bad, and I had no idea that he had dithered in his support for President Trump.
He got on board the Trump Train a little later than most (and that includes
me). Perhaps all of us looked at Moore as a spent commodity. He had been
elected to the highest judicial office in the state, then thrown out of office
by the political powers that be because: 1) He refused to remove the Ten Commandments
from the State Supreme Court building. 2) He refused to recognize or rule on
the gay marriage decision forced on the country in 2015.
He’s already a winner in my book. Judge Moore man defines “backbone of
steel.” Unlike most politicians, especially conservatives, he put his political
and judicial career on the line. He didn’t get sore because he was removed from
office. He ran a second time for a judicial seat in the Alabama Court system
and won! Now he’s running for US Senate, and it looks like he will win.
But still, why did some of the conservative activists and think-tanks
go for Mo instead of Moore? They saw Brooks having better access to money and
political machinery, perhaps. After all, Cuccinnelli and company claimed that
Brooks had the best chance for a reason. But that’s not how things turned out. I
am still new at this political ball game, and even the card-carrying
book-learning conservatives need to get with the populist program. Trump
changed everything when he ran on a commitment to the concerns of Middle American
voters rather than worrying about what he had said or done in decades past.
Some of us conservatives still don’t realize how militant the average American
has become.
Especially in Alabama. This state passed stricter immigration laws than
Arizona. The unemployment rate plummeted as illegals fled the state, and
Alabamians lined up for work including farm labor. So much for the “Americans
won’t do the work” lie. Alabama has been on the cutting edge of fighting corruption,
too. Recall that last year conservative activists forced out former Governor Richard
Bentley for campaign (and personal) improprieties. Being Republican is not
enough for Alabamians. It should not be enough for any of us.
Judge Moore is an outsider, for sure, and an outspoken one. Did some of
us worry that this powerful combination still cannot succeed in electoral
politics? Does only Trump have the political magic to win elections by saying
what he thinks and not what other people want him to say? This blunt finesse
and panache remains a desperate demand from the voting electorate: “Stop being
nice. Don’t be afraid to say what we are thinking, even if it makes you
unpopular.” Moore has already done that. This impressive jurist also gave an
epic smack-down to the smarmy liberal media about the origin of our rights … on
CNN no less!
One more thing that we conservatives need to understand: we want
conservatives to win, but we have to make sure that they win the hearts of
their voters, too. It’s not enough to have the right answers. Do they answer
the questions coming out of the mouths of their future constituents, too? Moore
already had the ready answers. He had won two statewide elections! Congressman
Brooks had only won the views of his 5th District constituents. He
not appealed to their concerns on life and family, but he has fought for those

Frankly, it’s time that more conservatives took up that fundamental religious
liberty fight. President Ronald Reagan ran on a platform of restoring prayer in
public schools in 1984. He won by one of the largest landslides in American
history, and yet the government still distorts the First Amendment and
prevented public prayer in our schools, on high school football fields, and in
other public forums. Judge Moore has
articulated this
frustration long abandoned by the most ardent of
conservatives (including Ted Cruz and Rand Paul): “You wonder why we’re having
shootings, and killings here in 2017? Because we’ve asked for it. We’ve taken
God out of everything. We’ve taken prayer out of school, we’ve taken prayer out
of council meetings.”

This country doesn’t just need fiscal restraint, but spiritual revival.
Moore epitomizes this necessary restoration of Biblical truth and morality.
Without this restored foundation, this country will experience a temporary
reprieve from the progressive disaster, but darkness will return. We need more
Bible-believing conservatives in Washington. We need Judge Roy Moore in the
United States Senate!
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