It's official.
I will never sit or purchase a thing at a Starbucks ever again. They declare war on Christmas. They dishonor our veterans. They disregard our President.
And now they want to hire refugees instead of the millions of Americans who are looking for work and want to participate in the new, growing, robust economy.
Check out what's happening in San Diego as we speak (Thank you, Jeff Schwick!):
Still buy coffee at Starbucks? Really? Their newly hired refugees in the San Diego area are 100 times more likely to have tuberculosis than non-refugees. And Starbucks isn’t even screening them! This should also apply nationwide as they hire 10,000 refugees to serve you your coffee.
From Breitbart:
Starbucks held a hiring event exclusively for refugees in El Cajon, California on Tuesday, part of its recently announced commitment to hire more than 10,000 refugees over the next five years.
Hiring at Starbucks? Not for me, thanks (No TB in My Coffe!) |
NBC 7 report about the event at the IRC office. Afghans, Syrians, and Somalis will be making your coffees.
El Cajon is where more than 20,000 refugees have have been resettled by the federal government in the past nine and a half years since the beginning of Fiscal Year 2008.
A 2013 study from a research team led by Dr. Timothy Rodwell, “an associate professor and physician in the Division of Global Health at UCSD [University of California at San Diego]” that “analyzed data from LTBI [latent tuberculosis infection] screening results of 4,280 refugees resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012,” noted that “San Diego County, in California, is a leading refugee resettlement site, and it also has one of the highest rates of active TB in the country, with an incidence rate of 8.4 cases per 100 000 people in 2011.”
In other words, the incidence of active TB among the 4,280 refugees who were resettled in San Diego County between January 2010 and October 2012 was 327 per 100,000, more than 100 times greater than the incidence of active TB among the entire population of the United States in 2016……
Ok folks — so do you want Coffee, Tea, or TB?