Pushing aside political reticence, and completing the task
which had initiated in Wisconsin in 2011, Governor Scott Walker has signed into
law the Freedom to Work Act, and made the Dairy State the 25th right
to work state.


Walker’s latest policy reform costs nothing, and advances
the liberty and opportunity for individual workers who struggle to make ends
meet in a down economy overwhelmed with regressive regulations, burdensome
taxes, and inane mandates.

Right-to-work is pro-liberty, protecting not only a man’s
livelihood, but preventing labor associations from taking his hard-earned money
and spending the funds on candidates and causes, whether he supports them or not,
and even if they are against his better interests. For example, the United Food
and Commercial Workers brokered a backroom deal with the grocery associations
in Sacramento, California to ban plastic bags in the Golden State. This is Big
Labor-Big Business cronyism at its worst, hurting hard-working Americans who
will face another tax at the grocery store or adjust to the inconvenience of having
no bags to carry their purchases.

Thomas Jefferson, one of many Founding Fathers whom Walker fondly
references, damned such forced contributions:

compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions
which he disbelieves is sinful and tyrannical."

Walker’s action is an inspiration to millions across the
country, including individual employees forced into union membership in order
to stay employed, who resent bullying labor unions not representing their best
interests, all under the pretense of helping “Working Man”.
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