Governor Scott Walker’s reforms have forced the
powerful Wisconsin teachers’ unions to witness the massive decertification of
their forced collectives. The second largest public sector alliance, American Federation of State, County and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME), has lost significant revenue because members have refused
to pay dues, and now the incestuous cycle of forced dues, crooked campaign
donations for paid-for candidates, who approve more lavish and expensive
pensions and benefits.

Cities have negotiated more equitable and efficient
labor contracts, cutting costs while providing adequate public services. Even
Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett could not criticize the reforms, and thus conceded
defeat in debate and at the ballot box. School districts have cut costs without
laying off teachers and staff.

Now, Wisconsin has a nearly one billion
dollar surplus for the first time in years. Where did this sudden surge of wealth
come from? Walker’s reforms instituted efficient government, better tax
receipts, and more effective political and policy leadership.

Not only passing a property tax cut, not
only discussing the abolition of the state income tax, Walker has signaled that
he will return the bulk of the surplus back to the residents of the Dairy
State. Unlike Governor Jerry Brown in California or President Barack Obama in
Washington, Walker recognizes that the government does not create wealth, but
merely takes revenue from the workers in Wisconsin.
memoir Unintimidated illustrates the
methods of this statesman: make your case, and take responsibility for your
state. Walker’s collective bargaining reforms are working wonders in Wisconsin.
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