While US Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have announced
their bids for President in 2016, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has remained under
the radar, yet not to be underestimated.

Walker has survived repeated, failed media flails to recast
his views on controversial issues, such as right-to-work, illegal immigration,
and common core. Even Breitbart (based on a Wall Street Journal column), attempted
to smear Gov. Walker based on spurious reports about a pathway to citizenship
from three anonymous sources at a New Hampshire fundraiser. Breitbart has since
reported Walker’s clear stance on immigration: secure border and e-verify.

For the record, Walker should be applaud for signing off on
right-to-work, despite initial presumed reticence, all of which takes place because
unions have an immoral tendency to extend labor contracts indefinitely right
before right-to-work legislation ensues. As for Common Core, media reports cannot
spin the facts: Walker has steadily opposed its implementation, and even called
for its repeal.

Not the media, but President Obama has been attacking Governor
Walker, not Senators Paul and Cruz, for his lack of foreign policy experience,
claiming he should take “some time to bone up on foreign policy."

Rejecting any appeasement deal with Iran, Walker slammed the
President: “President Obama's failed leadership has put him at odds with many
across the country. . .Whether it is cutting a bad deal with Iran, calling ISIS
the JV squad, or touting Yemen as a success story.”

Punching back twice as hard, Governor Walker is looking more
presidential every day.
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